Muggle town

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You'd been flying for a good ten minutes out in the freezing cold, and it was becoming darker by the minute. You'd tightly wrapped your arms around Sirius and it wasn't until recently that you had opened your eyes. I'm not scared. You convinced yourself. I just don't like Sirius and his... reckless driving

" Loosen up a bit, (y/n)." Sirius called out, looking over his shoulder. " Your stress is radiating."

" I'm not saying this again, Sirius. One: I am not stressed or scared about this. Two: Eyes. On. The. Sky." You mumbled.

" Oi, calm down. Nothing's going to happen. We're flying above the trees. What is there to crash against?" He shrugged. 

" Oh, I don't know. The ground maybe?!" You shrieked sarcastically. 

" None sense." Sirius laughed. The motorbike started to lose altitude gradually, and you let out a sigh of relief. But it was cut short as the motorbike abruptly landed on a small path near some woods. " THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT I MEANT BY 'THE GROUND', YOU GOON!!!"

" See? It wasn't that bad. Thankfully, it was a successful landing accomplished by yours truly: Sirius Black." He grinned as he turned off the engine and hopped off. 

" 'Thankfully'?!" You repeated doubtfully. " Are there any types of unsuccessful landings I should know about?"

" You don't want to know." Sirius cleared his throat as he helped you down in the most gentleman-ish way possible, bowing as he offered you a hand. 

" You're so extra, you know that?" You chuckled under your breath, rolling your eyes playfully, but taking his hand nonetheless. 

" Maybe, but deep down, even if you wont admit it: you love when I'm extra." He pointed his chin upward proudly, running his hand through his hair, which was now even more wild than usual due to the wind while on the flying motorbike. How cute. Yous sighed.

" Eh. I really doubt that, but okay." You shrugged. " So, where are we? Or are you still not going to tell me?" You held your elbows with each opposite hand to trap heat and buried your head into the coat as much as possible. " It's bloody cold. I can't even feel my fingers." You mumbled, blowing hot air towards your hands to keep them mildly warm.

Sirius seemed to have heard that, and had swiftly taken your hands in his, which were very warm. " Man, what are you? A human heater?" You joked, leaning your cheek on his shoulder, which was also warm. 

" Well that's the first time I've been called that." Sirius laughed. " I'll tell you where we are when we get there. It's not too far away from here, unless I got lost."

" You better have not." You frowned as the two of you walked down the trail parallel to the woodland. " It's a chilly evening, but it's nice considering how late in December it is."

" Weren't you the one complaining about how cold you were just a minute ago?" He hummed. 

" Now where did you get such a silly idea?" You joked, spotting a source of light from behind the trees, not too far away. " Hey, is that it?"

" Hm? Oh! Yes! It is!" Sirius cheered, walking faster. " I knew I didn't get lost!"

" No you didn't."

" I... I was pretty confident on the location." He defended, clearing his throat. 

You both laughed, and later became silent for the rest of the small walk to wherever Sirius was bringing you. There were a couple lights that shone past the trees, and Sirius was heading their way. " Oi, (y/n)." He called out. " Close your eyes, alright? I want it to be a surprise until the end!"

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