April = enemy of Hogwarts students

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The month of April had arrived as time flew by, to the dismay of the fifth and seventh-year students at Hogwarts who would have to study more than ever for the O.W.L and N.E.W.T exams. Even if your grades were at the top of your classes and you were proficient in the majority of the topics covered, you were no exception to the curse of the month of intense studies.

"I was not made for this!" Ansel complained, bumping his forehead against the long table of the Slytherin common room over and over while he muttered curses under his breath.

"Lower your voice, there are people studying," Dustan ushered as he wrote down notes directly on his books.

The Slytherin common room had been used by the members of the house as a place to study since the beginning of the month, and every day, a multitude of pupils filled every available space in the room to prepare for the end of the year. 

"(Y/nnnnnnnn) please help us," Agatha whined as she and Evan approached you with their Transfiguration grimoires in one hand and a mouse in the other. "We've tried everything, but we can't get Evanesco right. Only the tail disappeared off of mine! Some sixth years told us this spell is a must-learn for the practical O.W.Ls, so right now we're doomed."

"Sure, I'll help, but let's start by giving this poor fellow his tail back," you snickered as you pointed your wand towards her rodent, casting a non-verbal conjuring spell that made the vanished tail reappear. 

Agatha put the mouse on the table in front of you while she and Evan looked over your shoulder expectantly with their quills and journals. You swished your hand in a downward zigzagging motion that ended with your wand facing the mouse. "Evanesco."

The mouse before you vanished swiftly, and with another flick of your wand, it appeared once again. "Let me see how you're doing it, I might be able to figure out what's missing."

She nodded with a small frown and swished her wand towards the mouse. "Evanesco!"

This time, it was only the mouse's big ears that disappeared, contributing to Agatha's frustration. "Your wand movement is incomplete. It's important to make the last swish quite long," you instructed, tracing the correct shape in the air with your finger. "That's the only problem I saw. You should be able to cast it without much of an issue."

"Is that really it?" she gasped. "Thank you, (y/n)!"

"Oi, why didn't you ask me for help, huh?" Ansel grumbled, raising one of his eyebrows. "I should be the first upperclassman any of you think of coming to for guidance!"

"Ansel... you look like you're struggling more than we are." Evan cleared his throat. 

"Yeah? Well, I don't need to know all of this to be a Quidditch referee!" the chaser exclaimed, crossing his arms as he slouched back on his chair. "See, I'm not like (y/n) here who has ruined her sleep schedule by willingly taking so many N.E.W.T classes."

"A small price to pay to join the Wizengamot." You shrugged.

"Why not be Minister of Magic, while you're at it?" Ansel remarked with a sarcastic scoff.

"Don't give me ideas." You smirked. "I think you fail to see the depth of my ambition."

"This is one of those times where I'm reminded to be thankful that I'm on your good side."

You laughed at his comment with a slight shake of the head and went back to reading the History of Magic grimoire in front of you, lazily reviewing the short-lived period of terror caused by Emeric the Evil in medieval times.

A few sixth-year students entered the common room, and amongst them was Regulus. He made a beeline for you, Dustan, and Ansel before setting three cups of tea on the table. "I thought I'd drop by to give a little gift and watch my senior teammates suffer." He smirked, sitting on the opposite side of the three of you.

"Don't act so cocky, captain." Dustan frowned as he took one of the cups. "You're sandwiched between the two most arduous years at Hogwarts. Your break from these exams is short-lived."

"I'm aware, that's why I'm enjoying it while I can."

You rolled your eyes and took a cup for yourself as well, sipping the warm beverage without looking away from the book. "How sadistic," you mumbled under your breath as you flipped a page.

"Hey, (y/n). Why're you spending so much time going over History of Magic? That's the most boring subject," Regulus called out, leaning forward on the table. "I still struggle to understand why you'd ever think of taking it at N.E.W.T level."

"You think I want to? It's the topic I have less experience with, I can't help but put more time into it," you said. "History of Magic is a requirement to join the Ministry of Magic, and I have to pass the written N.E.W.T for History of Magic with an impeccable score for the Wizengamot."

"Ambition is a double-edged sword, I tell you," Ansel commented. "You don't seem the slightest bit amused studying all this."

"I'm really not," you sighed. "It's just as you said, I don't know why I'm studying about a Medieval wizard to be part of the modern-day Wizengamot."

"Hey (y/n)!" one of your roommates called out. "I don't mean to interrupt, but our fifth years are in need of a few spell demonstrations, and I can't think of anyone more fitting than you. Are you up for it?" 

"Am I up for it?" you repeated with enthusiasm. "I'm up for anything that gives me an excuse to stop reviewing History of Magic!"

Closing the grimoire, you stood up and headed towards the center of the common room in front of the fireplace and took out your wand as a crowd of younger students gathered around you. "What might you need me to demonstrate?"

"Fire spells!" A student called out from the crowd. 

Fire, huh? I'm more adept with water-based spells, but I can't disappoint my juniors. You raised an eyebrow and pointed your wand at the fireplace. The flame followed the tip of your wand in a thin line as you swirled it around in the air, making spirals with the fire. 

"Incendio Duo," you stated firmly as a new flame emerged from your wand before merging with the first one, creating a larger floating fire.

The awed looks on the fifth year students around you skyrocketed your ego, which made you want to show off even more. It doesn't hurt to feel this self-absorbed from time to time, you smirked, shaping the flame into a snake for a bit of house pride.

"Reducto, (y/n) (l/n)!" Another student suggested.

Dustan was quick to toss an object towards you, and you swiftly dispelled your magic fire before pointing your wand at the candle he had thrown. "Reducto," you said as a bright blue beam shot from your wand, making a precise hole through the center of the candle.

"This is what Reducto can look like after it's been perfected," you explained, beckoning at your fellow Beater to throw another object your way, which he did without missing a beat. You cast the same spell on a second candle, and this time, it was completely pulverized. "If you practice it enough, you'll be able to control the damage you wish to inflict like I just did."

You received a few claps from students as more spell suggestions were mentioned. You were on a roll. It wasn't often that you were able to demonstrate your skills in spells for a large audience, and you wouldn't miss your chance to show off your skills in magic to live up to your reputation. Today's study session might not be too boring, after all.



With this chapter, I can confirm that I'm wrapping up seventh year soon. It's been a hell of a ride, but I'll keep those words for when I actually write the chapter that finalizes the time at Hogwarts.

My chapter names are getting out of hand that I've come to the point where I struggle so much to come up with them that they just end up being like this one.

If April is the enemy of Hogwarts students, transition chapters like this one are mine.


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