Nowhere to be found

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Surprisingly enough, Sirius had not been even more clingy and present ever since your transformation a few nights before. On the contrary, you had barely seen him at all. Especially today, he was nowhere to be found in all of Hogwarts, and my oh my, had you looked for him all over.

"Do you think he's avoiding me?" you sighed, leaning your head on the usual Hufflepuff table in the Great Hall. "I think he's avoiding me."

"But why would he do that?" Marlene hummed, looking up from her magazine. 

"Exactly my point! He has no reason to. If anything, he shouldn't be letting me a yard away from him!" you grumbled. "But obviously that's not what's happening, considering Mr. Black is nowhere to be found!"

She set her magazine face down on the table before leaning her chin on the palm of her hand, blowing away a strand of her hair. "Did you really check the whole castle though? That's a fairly large search."

"Trust me, I did. I have a few spells here and there that helped."

"And you still didn't find him?" Marlene gasped. "Well, I applaud your determination to keep looking. When one of those four doesn't want to be found, they really won't be. That's what happens when they're being chased by Filch, or so I've heard."

"I'm (y/n) (l/n), no one stands a chance against me," you scoffed, sitting up straight. "Not even an evasion master like Sirius."

"What's the big deal, anyway? What happened that makes you so bothered that he's not here with you?"

"I- uh... something important... a few nights ago," you cleared your throat, tapping your fingers on the table.

"Oh, do tell," she wiggled her eyebrows as a sly smirk tugged her lips. "Wait- let me guess. Did he finally say it? Did you two confess your undying love for each other??? is that it?"

"Marlene!" you exclaimed, hiding your flustered face with your hands. "No! It was not that! Where did you even- never mind."

"But hey, if you do end up finding your prince charming, will you invite him to the new year ball?" she rambled. "Oh, how you'll break hearts and make so many others churn with jealousy. I mean, a lot of students have their eyes set on two people for that dance. The first one being Sirius, but he's taken by you. I suppose professor Marco will be getting a lot more attention very soon."

"Marco?" you repeated. "Can't say I don't understand why."

Marlene nodded knowingly and fluttered her long eyelashes. "Just the idea of him in a fancy attire is enough to make me and everyone staying here for winter swoon. Pretty sure a lot more students stayed for that reason."

"You have a soft spot for the N.E.W.T DADA professor, Marlene?"

"Oh, no. Don't get me wrong, he's undeniably perfect in every aspect, but I've got my eyes set on someone else who is just as perfect in my eyes," she sighed daydreamingly. "Dorcas Meadowes. You know them?"

"I think I've heard Lily mention Dorcas maybe once or twice, but no, not personally," you shook your head.

"Ah, well I'm going to invite them to the new year dance," Marlene grinned. "Seeing Dorcas wearing something for a ball like that would be like you seeing Sirius is the best suit imaginable. It would be a dream come true."

"I didn't think you'd be the type to fall so hard, Marlene," you raised an eyebrow at her as she pouted slightly. 

"I see where that's coming from," she shrugged. "BUT- let's not change the subject! Tell me all the details of you and Sirius! What might have happened on that fateful night, I wonder?"

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