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"Miss (y/n)," Claude the butler said aloud, taking you out of your thoughts. 

You looked away from the window of the carriage, towards him. "What is it, Claude?" you asked.

"We'll be arriving at the estate shortly," he adjusted his monocle as he spoke. "Please sit accordingly."

You nodded quietly and did as the butler asked. You knew Claude only had good intentions even though he never showed any compassion as he spoke. Even if it was very unlikely, there was the possibility that your parents would be at the estate, and an even slimmer chance that they'd see you as you arrived, but if that was the unfortunate case, they wouldn't want to see you slouched against the black cushion of the carriage. Like the perfect butler he was, of course Claude had thought of this. 

The carriage was losing altitude gradually, and the (l/n) manor came into view a few seconds after Claude had spoken. You sighed, straightening your back and looking in front of you like he had asked you to do.

A little more than a week, (y/n), you repeated on a constant loop in your head. A small, insignificant and boring week and I'll go back to Hogwarts.

You hadn't even gotten to the estate, but you already wanted to leave. It was your house, but it wasn't your home. You didn't really have a home, now that you thought about it. Hogwarts wasn't bad, but it wasn't home either. James' house felt like a real home. With lovely parents like Euphemia and Fleamont, and two troublemaking demons running rampant around the house.

No, cross out the troublemaking demons, you smirked to yourself. Wait, that's not right either. Cross out crossing out the troublemaking demons. James and Sirius are an essential part of the Potter's home.

The door of the carriage opened on your side, and Claude extended a gloved hand to help you down. "Thank you, Claude," you smiled at him politely, "but can you get my suitcase instead?"

He nodded silently and took the luggage, holding it firmly as you climbed off the family carriage. The large doors of the estate were merely a couple yards in front of you, and shivers ran down your spine as you looked at them.

One week, you nodded to yourself slightly.

Claude opened one of the doors, slightly bowing as he did so. You walked inside, holding your breath as the familiar darkness of the entrance hall fell upon you. There was only light coming from the large windows, where long black curtains hung, and the big chandelier above you. It was nothing like the Potter's home: decorated by Christmas lights which illuminated the whole house.

You stared at the family painting on top of the grand staircase for a couple seconds before turning around to face the butler. "Are father and mother...home?" you asked, reluctant with your words.

"Yes. Mr. and Mrs. are here," he replied with a slight nod. 

You weren't expecting that answer. Your parents were barely at the estate when you came back from Hogwarts or any other place. This was the fourth time they were here before you arrived. "Very well. I appreciate you telling me. I suppose I'll be heading to my room now," you told him. "Please bring my suitcase upstairs."

Without another word, you went up the stairs, barely looking at the family crest on the painting frame, or the painting itself. You walked down the dimly lit hall without making much sound, and waited at the door of your room for a couple moments before finally entering. 

Father and mother are here... you gulped slightly at the thought. Of course, they live here too, so I shouldn't be surprised, but I am surprised. Father's probably in his study, and mother most likely in the tea room..

The Project | Sirius Black x reader | ✔Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang