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You walked down the halls of Hogwarts faster than usual for two reasons: the first was to avoid the not-so-kind stares you'd been getting since the morning especially by girls you didn't even know from all four houses. The second reason was to get to the potion's classroom as quickly as possible. 

I'm walking down the stress, I'm walking down the stress, you hummed continuously and skipped down the stairs to one of the castle's dungeons. 

Another pair of fast steps was heading your way, until Remus was next to you, walking at the same pace. "Good afternoon," he said nervously. "It's today. We're presenting the project that's worth almost half the marks for potions this year."

"I know," you nodded. "How're you feeling?"

"Like I'm about to have a nervous breakdown. You?"

"Stressed for no reason, because I'm going to ace this," you replied. "And so are you. What potion are you and Marlene doing, again?"

"You'll see when it's time to present," Remus grinned. 

"Fine. Stay with your mystery and nervous breakdown," you rolled your eyes as the two of you walked into the classroom.

The detention group of the week had been forced to clean the whole classroom and arrange it for this day, you knew because James and Sirius had been part of it. A few extra tables had been added and were all scattered throughout the room.

"Oh? Didn't think it would look like this," you raised your eyebrows as you headed to the table with your and Sirius' name written on a parchment paper. Of course, he's not here yet. I swear if Sirius is late, I'm breaking up with him.

Just as class was about to begin, Peter, James, and Sirius rushed into the classroom, panting from an obvious run through the halls. You knew that Severus and Regulus were also glaring at their partners for almost being late. I almost feel bad for them, you smirked to yourself. Receiving the Slytherin death glare, but three times.

Sirius jogged towards you as he tied his hair back using his wand as a hair stick. "Good afternoon, my lovely (y/n)," he smiled charmingly, setting his books on the edge of the table. 

"Oh, don't you try to get all lovey-dovey with me, Sirius," you rolled your eyes. "The stress you and your tardiness has caused me today made me lose years off my life."

"How terrible," Sirius shrugged, visibly unbothered. "Ready to present?"

"Yes, why do you think I came here early?" you said. "Unlike someone I know."

"Hey! James and Peter were late, too!" he defended.

"And I know them as well," you stared at him. "Anyhow, rehearse your presentation one more time. I don't trust you."

"Ouch. We're dating, how can you not trust me?" Sirius huffed, taking out his notes nonetheless. "I am deeply wounded by your words."

"Okay, fine Mr. dramatic, let me rephrase that: I wouldn't trust you with my marks. Especially one this important," you smiled with fake innocence. "Now, please revise your notes while I make the visual of our table look presentable."

Five minutes after class had started were given for all students to prepare their projects. Tension and stress had settled in the air. Everyone was basically dying of stress internally, even potion geniuses like Severus.

"Well I see everyone's ready," professor Slughorn clapped his hands once to catch everyone's attention. "I can feel everyone's a little anxious. After months of working on this project, it is finally time to present, so it's understandable, but do your best, everyone!"

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