Quidditch friendly

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It had been almost irrelevant a few days ago, but now they were impossible to ignore. The stares that followed you everywhere, in every hallway of every floor, there had to be a minimum of five people glancing at you without even trying to hide it. 

It was the first time you had ever felt awkward and uncomfortable walking through Hogwarts, especially alone. It was a feeling completely unknown to you, who had been so used to staring straight ahead with a normal expression that seemed to defy everyone around naturally. Yet now, your gaze was less confident, and as much as you tried to stop, you couldn't help but look at the ground more often than not.

What in the world is going on with everyone staring at me, and why do I not know about it? you grumbled as you walked towards the training grounds. Lucinda just had to ask for a meeting at the time where the halls are the most crowded, didn't she?

The large field was basically empty safe for a few students, and Lucinda, who was almost on the other side of the training grounds. I've decided I hate walking, you sighed as you headed towards her quickly.

"(Y/n) (l/n), right on time," the captain nodded as you stopped in front of her.

"I like to be punctual," you said. "You're here early, Lucinda."

"Well, I was the one who asked you to come, after all," she replied, "it would be rude to arrive after you, especially with your perfect timing."

"I guess so," you shrugged. "I suppose you didn't call me to have a casual talk. Quidditch, I assume?"

"Indeed," Lucinda hummed as the two of you started walking through the field. "Forgive me for not updating you for almost two weeks. As you know, the team is a little bit of a mess right now, and not everyone was content with the idea of suddenly holding a tryout more than halfway through the year."

"Understandable," you nodded. "But in the end, you all came to an agreement?"

"More or less," she sighed. "There's a reason I set this meeting after classes were over."

"Wait, don't tell me-" you were cut off when a group of brooms quickly flew above you and Lucinda. 

"You guessed it," Lucinda smirked as she walked in front of you towards the Slytherin team, who had just landed a few yards away. "Another surprise Quidditch game! Though this time, I thought you could enjoy a nice Quidditch friendly with the team."

"Only way we could all come to an agreement," Ansel Quick -the other chaser who had been present during your tryout- said as he leaned against his broom. "The team won't fully believe your talent until they've seen it with their own eyes."

"We're Slytherins, what else could I expect?" you placed your hands on your hips. Bring it on, you thought, feeling the confidence you had lacked in the halls come back to you.

"That's the spirit!" Lucinda clapped her hands once. "Let me introduce you first. You already know Ansel and I are the chasers apart from Augustus, who isn't here to join us."

Lucinda then pointed at two tall and intimidating boys. You had seen them both before in the Hogwarts express when winter break was starting, and one of them more recently: in the carriage along with Ansel and Regulus on the way back from break. 

"Our trusted beaters, Dustan Sangster, sixth year, and Alban Seward, seventh year," she introduced and moved on to the next person. "Next up, this is Adelaide Evermonde, she's our seventh year keeper."

"You know Regulus, our seeker, but he's late. I'll give him an earful about that later," Lucinda rolled her eyes and continued. "Now, our substitutes: Evan Rosier, fourth year, and Ambrose Greengrass, fifth year. That concludes the team."

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