Trolley guy

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Sirius... freaking... Black. SIRIUS BLACK. 

You could've choked on air by the irony and bad luck of the situation. Your partner would be no other than Sirius Black, and you had no idea it was him who was staring at you with intensity until now. Not only had you just remembered the name of Hogwarts' biggest ladies man , but he was Regulus' brother, and you were Regulus' best friend, and probably only real friend as well. 

You maintained the eye contact with the Gryffindor boy, letting him know you weren't backing out of it, until he shot a devilish smile and winked playfully your way, placing a strand of his wild hair behind his ear. Feeling the blood heat up at your cheeks, you were forced to look away. Damn it! You turned to look at Regulus to your left, his expression unreadable. 

" Hey... Regulus..." You muttered, wanting to know how your friend felt about the situation. " You got partnered up with a Gryffindor after all, that's too bad." You tried joking, but he didn't reply, his eyes were barely directed towards you. 

You followed Regulus' gaze, and to your surprise: he was staring coldly towards your new partner: Sirius Black, and the Gryffindor was staring right back at his younger brother. Oh boy, this won't be good, you thought to yourself as you tried to catch Regulus' attention.

" Reggie." You insisted, tugging on his robes, and this time, he did turn his head to look at you. 

" What is it, (y/n)?" He asked, as if he didn't already know. " Are you alright? You've been staring at your... brother for a while now." You muttered, unsure if it was the right thing to talk about it, but you felt the need to know how your only friend felt about your partner. 

" Slughorn's a dimwit." Regulus mumbled under his breath, but you had heard him.

 " Regulus!" You shrieked as you punched him on the shoulder lightly. " Don't say stuff like that! It's just a project!" 

" Can't believe you're paired with him. This brother of mine, a blood traitor and an embarrassment for the Black family." He spat hatefully. You looked away, not agreeing with Regulus' mean words on his own brother, but even if you didn't agree with the strictness that many of the sacred twenty eight, including your family, had towards muggle borns, half bloods, and anything not considered pure, you couldn't say anything about it. It would be wrong for a (l/n). 

" Can't be that bad. I mean- we won't be discussing... blood purity or anything. It's just a potion project." You whispered, blood heating to your cheeks because of how awkward the situation is. 

Regulus nodded and sighed. " Just don't want you to be filled with all the none sense my brother surrounds himself with." He added as he completely turned his stool to be facing you. 

" Either way, I won't be talking to him apart from project time. You've got nothing to worry about." You reassured him. It was odd for you to see Regulus so against a situation. He expressed his disagreement very freely, and he seemed almost worried about you working with his brother. 


Across from you and the rest of the Slytherins, in the Gryffindor table, the Marauders proved their discontent as much as Regulus, maybe even more, especially James.

" Can you believe this, Lily flower?" He scowled dramatically. " We aren't partners! And now I'm stuck with Snivellus!" 

The ginger haired girl rolled her eyes and huffed in annoyance, " Severus. It's Severus." She corrected angrily at her newly made lover. 

" Thought you hated him, Lily. He did call you unspeakable things." James replied as he placed his arm around her shoulders. 

" Don't even start, Potter." She scoffed as she looked away. 

" Hey, Sirius?" Came the shy and shaky voice of Peter, who was tugging on the boy's robes as if he was a kid. " Not to ask anything wrong, but: is your brother alright? I know you haven't talked to him in a while, but I'm paired up with him, and he keeps sending death stares our way." He asked nervously as Sirius turned back to look at the Slytherin table, locking eyes with his brother for a split second. 

" Don't worry about it, Wormtail!" Sirius replied with his enthusiastic and playful tone. " If Regulus bothers ya', just come get me. I'll deal with it." He told his short friend as he smiled. 

" Hey Black, have you paid any attention to who you're paired with?" James asked his best friend, patting him on the back. "She's pretty, don't you think?" This time, Lily had punched him in the ribs slightly and furrowed her eyebrows. 

" Oi! But you know I only have eyes for you." James wiggled his eyebrows at the red head.

Sirius turned towards the Slytherin table, to the girl that was next to his brother, talking to him so casually. Sirius had never seen someone talk to Regulus so normally before, and it warmed his heart that his younger sibling wasn't alone with his parents all the time. 

" You could also say something more mature, James," Remus commented, looking away from the potion's book he was reading. " Like how much of a smart pupil she is." 

" And how'd you know that, mate?" Sirius asked playfully with his typical grin. 

" 'Cause I pay attention when others present or talk during class time, you fool." The dirty blonde boy replied rolling his eyes and directing them towards his reading again.

" Yeah, yeah. ' Suppose you're right," Sirius ignored Remus' comment and turned back to James. "You're right, Prongs, she is pretty. Though I've never seen her follow me around, I would remember her."

Lily rolled her eyes and scooted away from the Marauders, " looks aren't everything, Black. Plus: not every girl is madly in love with you." 

" I beg to differ." Sirius pointed his finger at the ginger girl who only ignored him even more. " James, mate: your girlfriend is mean." He exaggerated being deeply pained. 

" I know, but don't tell her that." James replied in a whisper as the two boys started laughing. 


" Alright boys, settle down please." Slughorn directed his warning towards the Marauders as he cleared his throat. " I'd like you all to go with your partners and familiarize yourselves with who you will be working with." 

You and Regulus sighted as you stood up, but contrary to you, Regulus didn't head towards the Gryffindor table. Instead, he remained beside his stool, waiting for the short blonde boy from Gryffindor to walk to him instead. Typical Reggie, you rolled your eyes as a joke as you strode over to the Gryffindor table, noticing your partner was leaning on his stool with both his feet on the table.

Man, this is going to be long. You sighted as you straightened your back and stood in front of Sirius Black, the Sirius Black.

" G'day, m'lady." He flirted with a wink in what sounded like an Australian accent. 

You ignored his comment and sat down on the opposite side of the table as he took his feet off of it. I've seen him recently, but where?... you told yourself as you stared at his features with more detail. " I know love, It's difficult not to stare at me, but we've got to work." Sirius added as he leaned his chin on one of his hands, lifting an eyebrow.

Wait. I know exactly where I've seen him. You muttered in your mind in sudden realization.

" Trolley guy?!" You exclaimed, having ignored every singly one of his flirting attempts. Those are the same gray eyes who stared at you back at station 9 ¾, the boy who you had almost ran over with your trolley. 

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