Assigned partners

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" Now, now, students." Slughorn almost yelled calmly, catching the attention of every student once again. " Settle down, please." He insisted, but the classroom didn't stop buzzing with the low complaints of everyone talking at the same time over each other. 

" This is bloody ridiculous. I'd rather do the whole project myself than have to work from someone outside of Slytherin." You heard Severus mumble to your right. " The others don't even care if the project turns out good or not. They'll do it on purpose to fail, only to make us loose house points." He added with an annoyed scoff as he started scribbling on the edge of his paper with his quill. 

" Snape, you're wasting ink, and it's going through the paper." You warned him, seeing the puddle of the black liquid forming a patch through his assignment, but he didn't even care about what you had to say, he just continued scribbling little stick figurines on the paper.

 " Hey Reggie, you're a little quiet about this. I thought you'd be complaining about this partnered project, considering how I know you hate talking to everyone." You asked your friend, diverting your attention from the rude ignoring of Severus. 

" Exactly. I hate talking to everyone, so why are you speaking to me, (y/n)?" He asked sarcastically, and you punched him in the arm playfully.

 " Cause I'm a nobody and you unsurprisingly love to be in my presence." You replied in humor, diverting his comeback with your own. " Can't debate, you truly are a no one." Regulus mocked with a devilish and victory grin on his pale face.

  This guy is really a total dimwit. You told yourself humorously, it was a sort of tradition to insult each other. Regulus' lucky I actually enjoy his company, or I would've jinxed him so much he'd have to kiss Quidditch goodbye for the rest of the year.

" I don't want to hear any of your complaints, unless you want to fail potions this year?" Slughorn asked with a devilish smile, and the whole class quieted down, you couldn't even hear your own breathing, because of course, no one wanted to fail any course this year, not with the upcoming N.E.W.T. exams coming up in seventh year, and the O.W.L's for Regulus this year. 

" Thought so." Professor Slughorn laughed off as he skimmed through his list once more.

 " Very well." He mumbled to himself as he turned around and started scribbling with his quill on the parchment. You turned to Regulus, and noticed both of you had the same annoyed frown on your face. " Sucks, doesn't it? An important project shows up and we can't even be paired together." You whispered, making sure Slughorn wouldn't hear you.

Regulus nodded and scowled,  " I'm just hoping I don't have to pick a partner who is in Gryffindor. Especially not any mudblood like Evans." He spat hatefully, shooting a killer glance towards the table where the red head was sitting at with her friends. You could feel Severus tense up next to you at the mention of Evan's name, but he quickly fixed his posture. Merlin, isn't it obvious he's still not over her? You rolled your eyes mentally.

" I do not really care who chooses to get paired up with me, as long as they're good in potions, I can't risk getting a bad score on this project." You whispered, replying to what the raven haired boy to your left had said.

 " But what would your father say if you were working with a dirty blood?" Regulus asked. You didn't want to reply, you felt he had crossed the line of things he could ask, but at the same time, you were a little bit forced to answer. Forced by your parents who weren't even here.

" I guess they would be a little pissed off." You muttered as Slughorn turned back around with his parchment proudly in hand. 

" A little?" Regulus shook his head as you both turned your heads to look at the professor.

The Project | Sirius Black x reader | ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora