A stroll through the woods

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Mounted on the Granians, you had led Regulus into a small hidden trail that led into the forest, between the trees whistling with the wind, the chirping of all sorts of forest birds, and the sunlight permeating through the leaves, illuminating the trail in various scattered spots. 

The majestic grey winged horses advanced in the trail with a strong and calm gait, fluttering their wings from time to time. "It's lovely isn't it, Regs?" you sighed and closed your eyes for a few seconds, holding onto your sunhat with one hand as a small breeze blew through the trees.

"Very. I didn't know this trail existed," he agreed, looking around as he held a loose grip on the reins.

"Obviously, because I never brought you here since we arrived at Laurier Chateau," you tittered. "It's well-hidden, I must say it took me a while to discover it, but towards the middle of summer, a couple of years ago, I found this nature trail when I was avoiding going back to the manor." 

"Oh? And where exactly does this trail lead to?" Regulus asked.

"That's a surprise," you hummed with a sly smirk.

"Does that surprise have to do with the baskets attached to your saddle like saddlebags?" he raised an eyebrow, pointing at said baskets.

"Maybe..." you teased. "It's still a little far from here. Would you like to hurry the pace?"

"Granians are fast..."

"You have reins to control the speed, Regulus. You know how to ride a horse."

"A horse, yes. A horse with wings is different."

"They won't go flying off because we make them gallop," you reassured. "So, what's your answer?"

"...Fine. But I'm telling you, (y/n), if my Granian does anything I find even remotely out of the ordinary, I can't be held responsible for my actions," Regulus warned.

"There's a reason why you weren't sorted into Gryffindor and this is exactly it," you smirked.

"And there's a reason you're not a Hufflepuff, you're mean and very inconsiderate," Regulus rolled his eyes. "Talking about Hufflepuff. She's too nice- Dafne, I mean. Bringing me class notes while I was in the hospital wing and everything! That Hufflepuff, always being so nice and caring. It's suspicious! She copied notes for me, I mean, who does that?! She's annoying, and small, and bubbly, and joyful all the time. It's not normal."

"It's not suspicious. Dafne's just a person with a genuinely good heart. That's all," you raised an eyebrow with a grin, "and then you tell me to stop talking about Sirius."

"Huh?! This is different! Very different!" he defended as you laughed at him. "Don't compare this to you and my brother... Let's just hurry up now."

"Alright, alright," you shook your head and took off your sun hat before applying pressure to the sides of the Granian with your legs, indicating him to accelerate the pace. 

Regulus did the same, and the two magical beasts flapped their wings slightly before starting to gallop at a fast speed, which was natural for the species. You smiled as the wind collided with your face in a pleasant manner while the Granians remained at a steady speed, striding down the nature trail that extended for miles ahead. 

You looked at Regulus, seeing him gripping onto the reins a little tensely, but otherwise, his posture was straightened and relaxed. Like for many purebloods, disciplined horse riding had been taught to you and him at the first given opportunity, and for you, Laurier Chateau had been that chance.

Regulus returned the eye contact after a few seconds with a playful glint in his eyes, and he accelerated the galloping pace of his Granian, looking over his shoulder towards you with a smirk. Oh, you're on, you sneered, increasing the speed of your Granian to catch up with him.

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