Recreation Chapter 16: Retention Deficit

Start from the beginning

Lopez: Qué? No puedo hacer eso.

Caption: What? Why would I do that?

Simmons: Okay, are they off?

Lopez: Sí, están apagados.

Caption: Yeah, they're off.

Lopez: Ese es porque puedo contestarle.

Caption: That's why I can answer you.

Simmons: Okay, good. If there's no room, we'll just leave Lopez. He's pretty much expendable. And they won't be able to get any info outta him anyway.

Donut: I feel bad about it though. He's been so loyal.

Simmons: So what, he's a robot. He has to be loyal. Dogs are loyal too, but that doesn't mean you can't eat them when you're stranded in an arctic outpost and Command can't get rations through because of a seasonal blizzard.

... What the fuck Simmons...

Donut: That seems like a very specific example.

Simmons: I don't wanna talk about it. Hey Lopez, you can turn your ears back on now.

Lopez: Click

Caption: CLICK

Lopez: Oh, puedo oír otra vez.

Caption: Oh, I can hear again.

Lopez: Un que milagro.

Caption: What a fucking miracle.

Cut to Church out of control of his faculties

Church: What- halt, cease! Abort dot move. Fuck.

Caboose: Church, wait.

Church: Wait? I can't wait, I'm moving on my own. Which I realize doesn't make sense when I say it out loud. Oh hey look, I figured out how to stop!

Tucker: Wow, you figured out how to not move? You're a genius.

Church: Oh check this out, I can go backwards too. Zhoop!

Tucker: Oh, well now you're just bragging.

Church: Well it's important to me, asshole.

Caboose: I'm impressed. I can't go backwards.

Church: Stop patronizing me.

Ghost: No he really can't.

Church: Really?

Ghost: Yeah every time he does he falls on his ass.

Sister: Seeing it was fucking helarious.

Church: Huh...

Tucker: Well, he's definitely starting to remember you.

Church: I already know Caboose, Ghost and those girls that follow him. They're the only people that would talk to me when I was in storage.

Tucker: You remembering anything else?

Church: I don't know, it's- fuzzy, for some reason. Maybe there's a file, or some kinda database I can access in here. Give me a second.

Ghost: Well i'm going to go check on the others, come on sister.

Sister: You can cum in me...

Ghost: What?

Sister: Coming!

Tucker: Yeah, rooting around in your brain seems like a great idea when you've barely figured out how to move on your own.

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