I trailed behind them taking out my phone. "Hey I need you to pick up the boys. Brin went into labour so I can't drop them off."

"Yeah ok. Good luck mate." Quinn said then I hung up.

"I won't be home tonight. Brins gone into labour." I told jace.

"Yeah ok. Good luck." He chuckled and hung up.

"Marco. Brins water broke. We're at the hospital now."

"Oh shit. Ok we'll be there soon." He said and hung up. Now that's done. I slipped my phone into my pocket and helped the nurse put Brinley on to a bed.

"I'm going to see how many centimetres dilated you are, ok Brinley." The woman said. She nodded so the woman took off her pyjama bottoms and panties.

"You're ten now. You have to start pushing." The nurse told her.

Brinley nodded again and took a deep breath. I stood next to her and held her hand. That's when Kathy walked in.

"Let's delivers some twins." She smiled and came over to. The woman before let Kathy in her space to deliver them as she assisted. "Ok Brinley, push."

She took a deep breath and held my hand as she pushed. I leaned over the bed so she could hold my hand and I could push the hair out of her face, that got stuck there by the sweat.

"Almost there Brinley. One more and baby one will be here." Kathy rubbed her leg reassuringly.

Once again, Brinley took a deep breath and pushed. Even though she cried, she was doing so good. And to think women have multiple kids after their first one. Personally I wouldn't bother.

After a while, Brinley's cries were taken over by a baby. "Baby boy first." Kathy smiled. The woman took the boy while Kathy delivered our little girl.

"Alright, Brinley. Once more, you're doing so good. You've got this." Kathy smiled at her. Brinley pushed when she was told to.

"God you're doing amazing. You're such a good mum. Keep going." I whispered to Brinley as I kissed her forehead.

After a few minutes, our baby girl was born. Another woman came in and took her. Brinley smiled at me and cried. I held her head to my chest and kissed the top.

"You did so good, abeja. So, so good." I caressed her cheek.

It was now an hour later. Brinley was given the baby girl to do skin to skin.

"Ok daddy, sit down and take your T-shirt off." Kathy told me while she held Thackeray.

"Uh, Ok." I furrowed my eyebrows. I quickly took off my T-shirt and sat down.

That's when she took off the blanket and my son only had a small nappy on him. She put him against my chest and I put one hand on the back of his neck and the other on his bum.

"Now both of you get to have a baby. That's why I prefer twins so both mum and dad get to hold them." She smiled as she put the blanket over me and him.

"They're so cute." Brinley smiled at me when Kathy left the room.

"They are." I smiled and looked down at my sleeping son. He had one hand on my chest right on the angel for my mum. Tears formed in my eyes as she wouldn't be able to experience it with her.

A knock came at the door, Jace, Elijah, jasper, Luna, willow and Lexi came in.

"We brought the girls so Brinley didn't feel awkward with us men." Jace said.

"Where are they?" Elijah asked and went over to Brinley.

"Nah ah, Elijah. You can come see my son because Brin doesn't have anything covering her chest. I don't want you looking at what's mine." I told him.

He rolled his eyes but came over to me. Luna, Lexi and willow went over to Brinley. She was asking then questions about what to feel and what to expect.

The men all came over and looked at Thackeray. They all awed at him. "There's pops, uncle Elijah and grandpa." I whispered to my son.

"Really?" Jasper gasped.

"You're my dad. Of course you're going to be grandpa." I smiled at him. Jasper hugged me but was careful of the small human on my chest.

"What are their names?" Luna asked. Me and Brinley chose to wait til they were here to tell their names. It was evil and they begged us to tell them, but we never did.

"Thackeray Binx Black and Charlotte Elizabeth Black. But I think they will be known as Binx and arlo." Brinley smiled.

"Beautiful names for beautiful babies." Lexi stated.

"Poor boy looks like rick." Elijah huffed.

"And that's a bad thing?" Brinley giggled.

"It's a good thing?" He asked.

"Touché." She smiled and looked down at arlo.

Got a grandson and granddaughter, mum. I hope you're proud.

The devil and his son Where stories live. Discover now