Break Up With Your Boyfriend

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Anne showed up at Catalina's house, ready to walk her to school. Since she knew that Henry never bothered.

"Hey Anne." Catalina said while hopping down her front steps. "Hi Catty, ready?" Anne responded cheerfully. "Yep." Catalina said with a grin.

As they began their trek to school Anne offered her arm out cheekily. "M'lady." Catalina laughed joyously. "Thank you." Catalina wrapped her arm around Anne's with a smile.

They talked aimlessly as they walked, about Catalina's cat and how it had started to kind of just cough hairballs onto her pillow to wake her up, Anne and her grades and how 'you really need to study Anne, the issue is you go to parties and never study', about Jane and Cathy's intense sexual tension, Kat's fairly obvious crush on Anna, and other random things. By the time they arrived Catalina was giggling furiously at a dirty joke Anne made.

" Hey babe ." Henry called out.

Anne turned in surprise. "Hey!" Catalina said, but she didn't instantly let go. She seemed rather reluctant to leave Anne's side. With a false smile Anne excused herself. "I'll see you in History, oh and please let me copy your review. I didn't do mine again."

 Catalina looked at her scoldingly "This is an easy subject Anne. Why didn't you do it." Anne stared at Catalina, her eyes saying 'really?' with a sigh, Catalina gave in "Fine." Anne smiled and hugged her goodbye. "Thank You." Catalina's touch lingered for a moment. "Your welcome."

Anne turned and skipped away. The moment Henry and Catalina couldn't see her face she frowned. But she could feel Catalina's eyes trained on her as she left.



Anne was on her way to one of Catalina's showcases. The woman loved to sing. She was a gospel choir, the school choir, and the show choir. Her voice matched her in every way. When she arrived Catalina waved excitedly at her. "Thank you for coming." She said while hugging Anne. "Of course, I wouldn't miss it for the world." Anne responded kindly.

Anne looked around. "Is anyone else coming?" Catalina blushed. "No, I just invited you . Henry wouldn't have shown up, Jane and Cathy are going out tonight, Anna is with her soccer buddies, and Kat is having a gay meltdown over something Anna said to her." Anne laughed. "I'm not sure which is more pressing honestly." Catalina sweetly smiled at her. "Well, I'm glad you're here." Anne smiled back at her. "I'm glad too." She said softly.

 Catalina opened her mouth to say something, but her director announced that they were about to go on stage. "Oh, I have to go, but I'll see you out there." Anne hugged her again. "You definitely will."

Anne couldn't keep her eyes off Catalina as she performed. When the performance was over Catalina rushed over to her. "So? How were we?" Anne grinned. " You were great. The other girls? Not so much, but you were perfect ." Catalina went red. "Oh - um - thank you Anne." She stuttered out while looking at the ground shyly. "No need to thank me for stating the facts Lina." Catalina froze. "Lina?"


"Sorry, just kind of slipped out. I won't call you that again." Catalina rushed to stop her. "No. That's okay just, don't call me that in front of Henry he gets jealous easily." Anne boldly took a step forward. "Why, miss Aragon. That insinuates that he has something to be jealous of." Catalina looked like a deer caught in the headlights. "It does doesn't it?" She eventually responded, also taking a step forward.

"See you tomorrow, Lina ." Anne said, kissing her on the cheek and stepping away.

"See you tomorrow, Annie." Catalina whispered back, holding her hand to her cheek.

Six: The Musical - One ShotsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu