chapter 7

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Authors POV

"Mr.Suicide stranger." Nisha shouted .

This girl ishaan thought clenching his eyes shut as few people looked at Nisha weirdly.

He continued to walk forward without giving any response to her as he very well knows she will start with her blabbering again.

Nisha frowned she quickly payed the shopkeeper and tired to run towards him, keyword tired , the two big bags in her hand making it impossible for her to run.

"Mr. Suicide stranger wait...Mr. suicide stranger.." she finally stood in front of him..

"What did you called me." He asked controlling his temper.

"Mr.Suicide stranger." Nisha said innocently.

"Don't call me that ever." He said growling lowly.

Nisha nodded still smiling." Sorry but you were not stopping nah and I also don't know your name Soo I yelled Mr.Stranger but you didn't recognize me I think that's why I yelled Mr.Suicide stranger as we first meet when you tried suicide nah." Nisha explain movie her hands in air gain few weird look from the people.

Ishaan wanted to kill somebody or bang his head somewhere." For the last time girl I was not trying to suicide for fuck sake." He said gritting his teeth and clenching his jaw.

Nisha bite her tongue." Oops sorry sorry slip of tongue you see,." Nisha said with sheepish smile.

Ishaan shook his head and started to walk again, she started walking with him." Did that help you yesterday." She asked him cracking her neck backwards as she barely reached his shoulder.

Ishaan stopped then again started walking." Yeah thanks."ishaan said genuinely as her advice really made him feel good that day.

Nisha grinned." See I told you nah oh stupid me I forget to introduce myself I m Nisha." She said grinning.

He nodded and continued to walk Nisha was still gawking at him that she didn't saw and was about bump into someone but Ishaan catched her and pulled her aside.

"Watch were you walk." He snapped and Nisha smiled sheepishly.

He saw she was struggling with two heavy bags." When you can't carry things then why you buy them." He said snatching one bag from her.

"No no give it back to don't have to carry it." Nisha said trying to snatch the bags.

"Shut up." He shouted and continued to walk Making Nisha make a face at him but a smile graced her lips.

"Stop stop my cafe arrive." Nisha shouted as they stopped in front of the cafe.

Great Ishaan thought groaning it's the same cafe where Veer man is.

He returned the bag back to her and entered inside Nisha face lit up with happiness.

"Soo you come to our cafe great you take a seat I will be right back." Nisha said happily running inside the kitchen, she knows that she is disobeying her maa but she couldn't stop herself from approaching him.

Ishaan saw Veer man talking with someone, he pulled his hoodie more and sat in a table few distance away from them.

"Tell me what will you have." Nisha said standing in front of him the smile still on her face

Ishaan was surprised seeing her in a waitress dress he didn't thought she is will be working here,

"Helloo." Nisha waved her hand in front of him.

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