chapter 37

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Authors POV

Nisha looked at herself in the mirror fixing her Saree, she loved to wear traditional atire sometimes, it somehow boasted the woman inside of her. Nisha was never the one to take life seriously , She always had been the Go-with-the-flow kind of person. She never really thought about life , Relation or future. For her it was Always Benji, her Maa and she.

But now as She stared at the mirror she could no longer see the same impulsive fairytale girl , She could see a mature woman who has the responsibility of fulfilling her dream , Building herself and Being the reason of His smile.

Nisha was not those person who was too much selfless that they sacrificed self-love for someone else, No she very much loved herself thank you very much, but something is there in him which makes her happy.

From century the poets keep writing millions of heart melting things for women's smile but have they ever noticed how divinely Beautiful a Man looks when he laughs from the core of his heart, Maybe it was a blessing only those in love possessed.

"Nisha Di let's go , the party has started." Ayesha Reyansh sister called her from the door.

"Yeah Let's Go." Nisha said smiling walking with her, She liked the Malhotra's they were kind and sweet and treated her like a family, she was glad Ishaan had them, for once she wished that day along with Reyansh's they could adopted Ishaan also, maybe then he wouldn't have to go through the hell he was put through, but she couldn't think like that everyone has their own situations and problem in their lives and she respected the Malhotra's for treating Reyansh Soo well.

As she walked through the crowded hall , her eyes searched for her Favorite pair black stormy pair, finding him with Reyansh's and Vihaan , but something was off in him, his eyes looked lost, and Nisha understood why.

This place, this mansion and this crowd was exact same scenario of when he lost Zoyi, A day which was supposed to be the most beautiful day of his life turned out to be the day his everything was snatched from him. Nisha could imagine his pain , She still get nightmares of that Rainy day of her Maa death. She closed her eyes to stop the tears and compose herself, no she will never let him drown in his darkness alone, I will walk in your every darkness Ishaan, I cannot promise I be your light but I promise to never leave your side , Even if you ever get lost , you will find my hand entwined with you. She thought looking at him.

Ishaan couldn't stop those flashbacks from clawing his mind , each and every time he looked at hall , those crowd , it hunted him , it hunted him of how she once walked into a similar party not knowing she won't ever see the light of the next day. This is the very reason he refused to stay in Malhotra mansion during his visit in India and the very reason he found himself infront of Nisha's door at midnight. He couldn't sleep, each time he closed his eyes her voice hunted , her pleads rung in his ears of how he was still unsuccessful of finding Aaliyah khurana.

In those conflicting emotions in his head he found himself standing in front of Nisha's room being in a dilemma of should he disturb her or not, she was the peace of his soul , bright ray of sunshine after a gloomy day, her smile, her antics , her everything made him forget everything in his life, being in her presence made him live the moment. He wanted to heal but not by her but With her , she was not a therapist who could heal him , that's not her job and that's something Ishaan will never expect from her, he just want her to be with him , her presence is all he needed , basking in her warm is all he wanted, getting lost in brown pools of her eyes is all he needed in his life.

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