chapter 23

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Authors pov

She snuggle more into covers as a slight Ray's of sun peaked into the room. A pressure on her abdomen disturbed her sleep, she groaned internally Damm you bladder, why you have to be Soo impatient Nisha thought throwing the covers away. She groggily stood up from the bed , yawning but stopped Midway seeing the rare sight infront of her.

There he was sleeping on the chair in a uncomfortable sitting position, his head hanging on one side, his one hand was supporting his neck. He was still in his yesterday shirt , but it was covered with creases, the buttons were undone on his chest giving a clear view of his smooth dusky skin leading to his very ripped ab....

Nisha hurriedly looked up at the ceiling like it was the most beautiful thing not more than the sight before me she took a deep breath to control her female hormones, common Nisha we don't want to have unholy thoughts in the early morning common think something else.... like how beautiful the morning are...and how beautiful the sunrays are kissing his ripped... Nisha let a silent curse out , she looked at him again and gulped God I m such a pervert...look at his face Nisha but don't you dare look down I m warning you she told herself.

She let her eyes roam on his face and a smile crept on her lips seeing how innocent he looked, his steady breathing pump pink lips parted slightly......fuck you Nish she again cursed herself, she mentally awed as his strired slightly because of a strand of hair tickled his eyes.

Aww he is soooó cute , looking at him she wanted to remove it , he looked Soo peaceful while sleeping she didn't wanted to let anything disturb him. She took a step forward but hesitated he wouldn't know right I just brush strand away and that's it she thought and walked towards him tip toeing, she smiled softly as warm fuzzy feeling built up in her stomach looking at him, she slowly raised her hand to brush the strand of her , when his hand shoot up like a hunter lunging for his prey and griped her wrist in a bruising grip. Nisha yelped loudly in surprise and lost her balance fall on him.

Ishaan was a light sleeper, as he was slowly waking up because of the disturbness , he felt a breath on his face and light shuffling of feet , he felt a hand closer to his face , on his instinct he grabbed that hand in a bruising grip making a fist of his other to blow on the intruder, but stop when a loud yelp sounded before a weight fall on him.

He opened his eyes to meet with wide brown eyes looking at him. Their face was inches away, because of the fall Nisha landed on his lap with her one hand his shoulder and another gripped by him.

They could feel each other rapid heartbeats. Nisha felt Sparks surrounding her whole body, she stared at his dark eyes which for some reason darkened more , his eyes were Soo mysterious Soo enchanting that Nisha felt herself getting lost, her heart was doing summersaults in her chest, she sucked in breath feeling his hand wrapped in her waist holding her from falling, her shirt was ridden up because of the sudden movement Making little finger and engagement fingers tips to brush her skin, she felt goosebumps to spread on her entire body.

Ishaan never observed before but today when she was this close to him, he could see the tiniest of details in her face, her thick eyelashes, her chubby cheeks which turns a Rosy shades easily , a small scar on her forehead which were hide by the curtains of her hair and her beautiful brown eyes which were the doorway to her soul, to which she let him read her like a book. Ishaan never in his twenty six of years of life has ever felt something for a girl after Zoya but this girl , this girl has something in her which enchanted him to her.their eyes meet and Ishaan could read the raw feelings in her eyes, he could see that she has been enchanted by him in the same way, but he knows he could not let it happen.

Nisha's eyes flickered from his eyes to his lips they look Soo plump and soft nothing like personality she thought again flickered her gaze to his eyes.

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