Chapter 45

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Nisha's pov

" How will I face Ishaan Alisha , I can't bare His hatred." Tears escaped me as I sank down on her bed. I can't tell him, he will hate me, No one can love me, a murderer , a monster.

"Are you crazy , Ishaan is trying to find you and your bastard of a father for years , If he gets to know Aaliyah khurana is non othar you. He won't think twice before killing you." Alisha said with a horrified expression on her face.

I wasn't afraid of death , My life was never a worth to live , but I was afraid to live or die with Ishaan hatred. I will happily die a peaceful death if it means looking at his eyes full of love for me.

"I am not afraid to die, I am afraid to be the very reality I was running from all my life." I said remembering the day Asha maa escaped with me from the mention.

" But what if he gets to know," Alisha asked me worried. This was something even I was worried about, I have to somehow stop Ishaan from finding about my real identity.

"He won't find it , I make sure Ishaan never gets to what my real identity is." I said determined. Ishaan may thinks avenging Zoya might sate his life but I know the day my truth will be revealed Ishaan entire existance would be nothing but ashes. He will be broken beyond repair.

" But...But This is betraying Ishaan Aaliyah." Alisha's words cut deep into my heart but now I was determined, I won't let my past destroy my present, I couldn't save Zoya that day , her love for me cost her life but I make sure I safe her knight from every possible danger which included the truth of my past.

" I betrayed Ishaan the day I killed Zoya When she came to help me Alisha, but this time I make sure everything is right , I won't ever let Ishaan know I never lost my memories because of the accident, I never let him know I was the same enemy he spent Soo many years searching, I never let him know......I am Aaliyah khurana." I whispered the last words.

This is not the time to be weak Aali...No Nisha, I am Nisha Ahuja Aaliyah khurana died that day in the basement.

" I have to leave Alisha I meet you soon." I said getting up. I can't waste time, every second is important right now.

I hugged one last time before existing, Jaiden was waiting for me. " Jaiden you can leave now, I know very well Ishaan pressured you to leave all your works to follow me. Trust me I am completely fine." I said with a assured smile as we both sat in the car.

He hesitated a bit Soo I continued " Don't worry I have taken a leave today from my work , I will just go to bookstore to visit everyone, it will help me get distracted a bit." I told with assuredness. I needed to think of a way to figure things out and I can't do it with Jaiden breathing down my back.

Finally after a lot of convincing he dropped me off at the bookstore. After greeting all my old workmates I settled on the mini kitchen staring at the number in my mobile.

Doing this would mean betraying Ishaan, but letting him find out about the truth will only destroy everything. I can never forgive myself for my past but I won't be able to live if I see Ishaan getting destroyed yet again in his life , I can't let him become broken again.

But to built our future I have to destroy every trace of my past , I have to erase Aaliyah Khurana forever and only one man can help me. But asking him this favour could only mean two things either a positive future or either my biggest mistake. But I have no other choice this was why I am sitting with Veer Singh in the small coffee shop near the bookstore.

I stared at the man infront of me who was a walking mystery but for some reason I felt like he is not that bad as he potray himself to be. " Are we here for staring contest Nisha, No I don't have any problem but a heads-up would be nice." He said in that sarcastic way I hate Soo much because it reminds me of myself.

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