chapter 11

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Authors POV

The pitter patter of the rain was the only sound in that dark silent night as Ishaan and Nisha saw Asha's mortal body laying in the road in a red pool of blood.

"ASHA MAAA." Ishaan agonizing voice filled the empty alley as he run towards her.

He kneeled down in front of her and took her head in his lap , blood and rain soaked his shirt, he patted her cheeks but she didn't responded.

He took out his mobile." Fucking come with the ambulance fast." He shouted and throwed his phone away.

He didn't wanted to check her pules because somewhere in his mind he knows the reality.


He slump on the wall , it's been a few hours since the doctors are checking Asha, he punched the wall behind him in anger , today yet again he failed, today yet again a promise was broken.

He should have known that happiness and light is not for his cursed life , he should have known by now that he is a darkness which engulf and destroy everything near him, the anger and pain was running in his vain like a lava.

But all his anger vanished when it fall on a certain figure sitting numbly on the hospital chairs.

Nisha didn't shed a single tear from the time she saw the nightmare in front of her, her face didn't had any expression she was behaving like a robot, this was making ishaan worried because her bottling up her emotions is far more worst.

He walked towards and kneeled down in front of her in the floor, they both were drenched from the heavy rain, Ishaan looked at her, her face was expressionless , her usual sparkling mischief eyes were empty and hollow , the only sigh that she was alive was her slow breathing.

Ishaan know that the incident had traumatized her beyond imagination, all his life he has encountered only pain , pain of losing each and everyone whom he loved but she, her whole world used to revolve around Asha.

Looking at her ishaan could see his ownself, the five years old kid who witnessed his family's dead in front of his eyes, Reyansh was also traumatized but not as him as he saw them dying with his own eyes,

Ishaan took her both hands in his her eyes flickered at him and he squeezed her hand lightly." I m here." He told her in a gentle voice , after ten years for the first time he talked with someone gently, she didn't said anything but Ishaan could feel her gripping his hand tightly .

The doctor come out there was a nervous expression on his face as he took off his mask." Mr.Singhaniya we are really sorry but the patient is no more." He said with sympathy.

Ishaan closed his eyes he knows this would have happen but the reality was hard to gulp down , he opened his eyes as her grip on his hand loosened,


"Kevin I want each and every details, mind you each and every ." He said and hung up the call.

It was nearly midnight after completing Asha last rites they were back in Nisha's small apartment, Ishaan always felt a calmness coming from the past few weeks but today it's empty only the memories remained.

He told his man to check each and every corner of the building for any evidence, police are saying it's a suicide , but why would Asha commit suicide, if anything was wrong why didn't she told him , didn't she for once thought about Nisha , what will that girl do without her all alone in this world, a light anger rise in his heart for Asha thinking about Nisha.

He entered the small bedroom where Nisha went inside after they returned, he frowned when he didn't find her in the room, he heard water running sounds from the bathroom and sighed thinking she is taking a shower.

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