chapter 20

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Nisha's pov

Knock!! Knock !!

"Nisha open the door."

More knocks sounded from the other side of door but I stood on my ground , Ben looked at me with sigh and went back to his doggy bed like I m a impossible Case.

Sue you , you little fur bastard

" Nisha Ahuja I m saying for the last time open the Damm door before I break it." His stern deathly voice come from the other side , for a moment I almost gave in but no I not going there.

Today morning Ishaan suddenly told me that we are going to see a therapist for my nightmares, and almost immediately I freaked out and locked myself iny room.

"Noo I m not going there , do whatever the hell you want , and I promise you that if you break this door down I m going to jump from the balcony escape from here." I shouted back at him , hell with him and his security.

There was a silence for sometimes from the other side maybe he left knowing very well what I m capable off.

" Nisha." His voice come again but this time more soft like a whisper in the wind which caressed my heart.

"It's okay I won't force you to go with me but at least tell me the reason, if you don't let me enter in your world I won't be able to fight your demon's." He said, his words touched something deep inside of me and for a moment I was scared because he was reading me like a open book , reading the hidden scar of my soul.

Sometimes the amount of trust I have put on him scares me to the core , I have never close to anyone other then maa , she was the only one with whom I could always lay my vulnerability without any fear ,

But I don't know there is something about Ishaan which tell me that no matter what he will never break my trust , I don't what it is which makes him Soo trustable to me,

His glares

His scoldings and never ending lectures

The way he cares for me without showing it ,

The way he gathered my broken pieces,

The way he gave shelter to my vulnerable self without uttering a single word .

The way he tolerate my every tantrums and annoying stunts ,

I don't know.

I walked closer to the door and touched the wood with fingers, " I..I..m..scared Ishaan..." I finally told him closing my eyes.

" Even when I will be there," he asked me , there was hint of accusing there that I don't trust him.

Oh Ishaan how can I make you understand it's my own self I m scared of.

"It's not about you Ishaan,....i can't endure the that night again, I don't have that much strength in me to relive it." I told with my emotions chocked up in my throat,

"Today you might feel it horrible Nisha but if you won't let those out you will suffocate more , let them out Nisha I promise you that I will be there with you and if you don't like it I won't ever tell you to go there,." He said to me his voice held a promise and assureness.

I took a deep breath and opened the door, there he was standing with a frown on his beautiful face , looking at him make me feel secured , just being in his presence can calm my heart and make me vulnerable at the same time.

For the whole he maybe a fire but for Nisha Ahuja's life he was the light of her darkness.

He walked towards me and entwined our fingers , there was no expression on his face , no smile, but yet the softness in those dark orbs was enough for me to tightened my hold on him.

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