chapter 29

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Next morning

Ishaan waited on the breakfast table for her , he wanted to apologise for his behavior of last night , he couldn't sleep yesterday night as Everytime he closed his eyes her teary brown orbs flashed in his mind.

Hearing the footsteps he looked up to see her descending the stairs , she looked beautiful like always but something was missing, the Sparks in her eyes were absent and she looked gloomy. She walked towards Jenny who was arranging the breakfast and smiled faintly.

"Aunty I just grab a sandwich, Today have to reach early." She told her, her voice tired and soft not the cheerful exciting one.

Jenny who aware of the fight last night didn't say anything she didn't wanted to interfere between the two , it's their problem and it should be them who should fix it. She nodded.

Nisha bide her bye and without sparing a glance at his way left from there. Ishaan gripped the glass tightly at her ignorance calm down Ishaan let's talk to her in night he told himself. He didn't admit but deep inside he missed her warm 'goodbye'.


"Have a wonderful day." Nisha told the customer with a smile ,as soon as the customer was out her smile dropped.

With her slumped shoulders she stared at the crowd in the store, her mood was dampen from yesterday night, she hated his jerk behavior, she knows she should have informed someone but then one of the guard would have followed her and she wanted privacy , was it too much to ask.

"Hey why the dull face." Ethan asked leaning on the counter with his elbow.

Nisha looked at him startled and shook her head with a smile," Nothing Ethan just a little headache." She told him.

He furrowed his brows not convinced by her," You know, you can feed this shit to anyone else and they might believe you but cut the crap with me, if you don't want to share that's okay but let me cheer you up a bit with your favorite coffee." Ethan said smiling.

Nisha smiled at his sweet behavior," that's is Soo sweet of you Ethan but I m really fine, and coffee next time for sure I promise." She told him sweetly smiling.

Ethan sighed dramatically and made a fake upset pout," Ah my heart hurts being rejected by a beautiful girl." He said dramatically holding his chest.

Nisha laughed at him, she saw a customer entering and stood," Go flirt with someone else, I have work." She told him chuckling walking towards the customer.

"Hi could i help you with anything." Nisha asked politely with a smile, but surprise filled her as the girl turned around to reveal the same girl whom she bumped with in the mall.

" Hey, you work here." The girl asked pretending to be surprised.

Nisha smiled nodding," yeah it's such a coincidence right." Nisha told her chuckling.

The girl nodded with a smile," but You know I m glad we meet again, that day i couldn't apologize properly and now that we meet again please let me get rid of feeling guilty by accepting a cup of coffee." The girl said.

Nisha's eyes widened and she immediately shook her head," No no it was completely my fault, please don't feel guilty." She immediately said.

"No please we both didn't saw where we're going, please don't refuse , I insist please." The girl pleaded , she didn't wanted to lose the chance of knowing about Nisha.

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