chapter 26

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I know I m late but like last time , here is another big chappy with 6k words ,

My selection test are starting from this Thursday till 30th sep Soo expect the next update after 30th of this month

I have thought of something , I have saw this in many stories and thought to try it to.

To set targets for next update, let's see how it turns out.

The minimum vote we get for each chapter is 70 , comments 10, and reads above 400.

Soo let's start this with less target,

90 votes and 25 comments, I think I can expect this much with a read of above 400 for my hardwork and time I spent in this story even with my busy schedule of studies and all other things, if I m being unfair please voice out.

If the targets it is completed I might update before 30th if possible.

Authors pov

Bright sunlight hit Nisha's eyes making her groan , her head feels like getting split into two. Is this how hangover feels like then I am restricting alcohol from the face of earth. She thought clutching her head.

"Rise and shine sunshine." A deep voice made her open her eyes to see him standing on her door step with a glass of water and aspirin,

Nisha immediately corrected her crumbled dress, another pain shoot through her head Making her hold it." My head hurts." She whined.

"It Should , now I hope this gives you lesson to never over drink again, Now have this it will help your hangover." He said forwarding her the glass and aspirin.

Nisha gulped the aspirin and was drinking water when," Soo Grumpy Vampire huh." Ishaan asked with a raised eyebrow, She spite out the water and started coughing vigorously I m never ever drinking again she thought with horror.

She looked at Ishaan and laughed nervously." Hehe how funny , you have such a good humor you know." She said.

Ishaan nodded," yeah right." He muttered, he throwed a newspaper at her." See this and come downstairs." He said walking out.

Grumbling she picked up the newspaper and for the second time had a coughing fit,

Billionaire Ishaan Singhaniya spotted on a nightclub with a mystery girl , Is the Newyork most eligible bachelor finally getting off limits.

There was a picture of him carrying her , thank fully her face was stuffed in the croak of his neck hiding her identity, it was on the front page. Nisha placed the paper on the bed , picked up a pillow stuffed her face into it and screamed her lungs out.

"Whyyyyyyyyyyyy." Nisha cried, she looked heaven wards with accusing eyes god and Satan I hate you both soon much she thought.

She punched the pillows once and got up from the bed to freshen up , as was walking towards the washroom with hands on her pounding head but a sudden flashback in her head made her stop in her track ,

"You know I get this funny feeling like the whole zoo is dancing in tummy whenever you look at me, Also you make feel Soo fuzzy and warm , you know the feeling when you are snuggling in a warm blanket in winter night." Nisha blabbered with a dreamy look.

Oh no no no no no nooooo Nisha thought with her eyes widened in horror, no Satan not today please she thought, headache increased thinking about what will Ishaan think of her now, he would surely get to know she likes him , he is not dumb , no definitely not , his brains works faster than light. He will surely think of her as a silly girl attracted to him and get distanced with her.

THIRST OF MY HEART Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ