Chapter 32

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A heavy throbbing in her head made Nisha groan as she slowly opened her eyes, Her head was hurting from whatever she got hit with and she could already feel the swelling.

"Look who is finally awake."

Hearing the voice Nisha finally looked around her surrounding, she was in room which could be seen in horror movies with a single nightbulb and water dripping from the half broken walls and sealing, there was no window in the room just a single door where a group of man where standing with........Guns

Are those real or toy Nisha thought with widened eyes, she hoped it's the later.

"Who are you and why did you kidnaped me." Nisha asked bravely okay that sounded stupid Nish

The one in middle dressed a little more expensively was smiling with his ugly teeth, he walked towards her with his huge belly infront of him, she can already feel those evil vibes from him.

" Hello sweetheart I m Sabastian , and about why you are here , You see your lover Boy Singhaniya is to blame here, he has destroyed my business , killed a lot of my mens and now I will make him pay by torturing you." Sabastian said smiling.

"What the hell are you saying, why would Ishaan destroy your business, he is a reputable business man, and killing he is not some criminal or mafia to kill anyone." Nisha argued , her anger getting the best of her listening to them accuse Ishaan.

Sabastian laughed loudly hearing her making her blood boil." Oh dear looks like Mr.Singhaniya didn't fully tell you the truth about himself did he, don't worry I will gladly do it, Yes He is a businessman but what you don't know is that he is from one of the most feared Mafia family in underworld, people calling him death , because wherever he goes only destruction is left." Sabastian words knocked the air out of Nisha.

Mafia , underworld, death Nisha's head was spinning with these words for her these words only existed in those fiction stories where the lead female fall in love with the mafia man.

Ishaan can be those , Ishaan is anything but what they described him to be, he is her vampire, her grumpy silent laser eyed vampire, Yes he always threat people like will shot them and people always behave around him like he will slit their throat but that doesn't mean he is anything like the rubbish they we're referring to him. Her Vampire is a one big softy he cannot live a second seeing her frowning. The person who cannot stand sight of a paper cut on her finger, how can be capable of taking someone's life.

" Shocked, We were shocked to when we got to know that Ishaan Singhaniya has a weakness, someone he is protective about." Sabastian grinned trailing the mouth of his gun from her forehead to her chin making Nisha tremble.

"You guys are bullshitting." Nisha whispered trembling in fear but still refusing to believe in their bullshit, she refused to believe a Man like Ishaan can be like that.

Sabastian grin wiped off hearing her , his face hardened and he hit her side of the head with the butt of the gun.

"Ouch!!!." Nisha cried trying to pull her tied hands as throbbing started in her temple as blood dripped from the wound.

"Talk with tone again and you will be death before we Begin our torture." Sabastian said grabbing her hair and pulling it roughly making her cry.

"Now Now I will start torturing you and my boys will make a video and sent it clips by clips to Ishaan." Sabastian grinned evilly making chils to run down her spine.

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