chapter 17

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Nisha's POv

'How to melt a angry person'

I searched and waited for the results, ishaan is giving me silent treatment from morning and I had enough of it, I cannot stand ignorance and he is doing exactly that.

'say sorry , and mean it , set aside your ego and apologize'

I m ready to say sorry right away but only if that vampire let me then nah , stupid vampire,

'Hug him/her tight'

Got it , I will hug him Soo tightly that bear hugs will feel shame infront of me.

"Give him /her massage'

Huh no one can beat me in this maa used to say I give best shoulder and head massage.

'Be extra sweet'

I will be Soo sweet to him that he will caught diabetes...

Oh no Nish not diabetes he is far to fine to be a diabetic patient

My mind immediately flashed back to all those times he cooked breakfast for me, and immediately my cheeks heated up,

I shook my head to clear the mess ," focus Nish, you have a mission in hand." I told myself scolding lightly.

'Cook for him/her

Cook , I only ever made two minutes Maggie, but no worries, Google and YouTube are there to guide me

I thought grinning, I again scrolled the list ,

' throw some jokes '

Oh that's Soo easy

' compliment him/ her '


' give your sweetest smile'

I m more sweeter than suger that sometimes I fear that ants will make me their dinner.

I closed my laptop with a huge grin , I bounced on my way to living room , the doctor had given me the medicine which reduced my fever though the rashes are still there , I saw Jenny aunty setting the dinner on table,

"Aunty let me help." I said walking towards her but she shushed me sway.

" No ishaan will take this whole house in his head if he gets to know you even stepped out of bed , Soo I suggest you to go back if you don't want to anger him more than you already have...." Jenny aunty was blabbering but I shushed her.

"Relax aunty by Tomorrow ishaan will melt like a ice cream in hot summer days." I told her happily.

Jenny aunty looked at me genuinely confused off course she should be I would have been to know that vampire who always looks like he is ready to suck everyone in front of dry , but Jenny aunty doesn't know how talented I m.

I thought Patting my Back mentally proud of myself.

"Nisha you don't know ishaan he...." I cut Jenny aunty off,

"Don't worry aunty I know that man is like a vampire but I m also talented." I told her grinning.

I have mentally noted everything what I will do , I m sure that by tomorrow evening Ishaan will be melted like wax.

Jenny aunty looked really worried but I don't see any reason for her worries I thought shrugging and grinned again as I thought about the upcoming mission I have......


Yayyy I m not death , I m very much alive.

There will be another chapter within tomorrow, this one is just a small teaser from the flim ;-)

Love❤️ - Ira

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