prologue Part 2 of 3

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Ruby pulled onto her father’s pants. “Daddy! But I wike the cake!”

“Tomorrow, mommy Regina will save you a big piece,” He promised her.

Her eyes grew wide. “With a flowur?”

“Whatever you want,” he chuckled.

“Now let’s go say goodnight to your friends’ okay Ruby?” Regina said and grabbed her hand.

Ruby pulled her hand away. “I’m not sweepy.”

“You can’t hide your yawns from your watchful mother, Ruby. If you stay awake, you will be cranky and your friends will be mad. We don’t want that, do we?” seeing that Ruby was ready to throw a fit, Regina quickly turned to Thomas.

“Ruby-kins, listen to your mommy and go say goodnight to your friends. I’ll come by later to read you a story, ok?”

“She’s not mommy,” Ruby replied. Her father knelt down to her level and said, “I’ll read to you ‘If You Give a Mouse a Cookie’ if you do what Regina asked you to do.”

Ruby couldn’t resist an offer like that. She quickly said goodbye to her five little friends, and went to her room, where she found Regina waiting for her. Out of habit, she stuck her thumb into her mouth. Regina quickly reached over and pulled out her hand. “Don’t do that!” she snapped at the girl.

Ruby whimpered and stared at Regina fearfully. She dreaded the moments she spent alone with Regina, even though it never lasted longer than ten minutes. She reached for her pajamas, which sat folded on her bed. As hard as she tried though, she couldn’t wiggle her way out of her party dress. Regina pulled the zipper for her and pulled the dress off quickly. Then, she thrust the shirt over Ruby’s head and pulled it down sharply. Finally, she stuffed Ruby’s legs into her pants and ordered her into the bed.

“But what about the cake and the pawty?” Ruby asked, sniffling.

“Cakes and parties are only for good girls who listen to their nice mommies,” Regina said.

“You’re not mommy and you’re not nice!” she said, and shrieked as Regina’s hand landed on her cheek. “Go to bed you insolent brat!”

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