chapter 8 part 1 of 5

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OMG OMG hi guys i cant believe it yesturday we had 256 views now theres 314 i just cant beleive it thank u for everyone thats reading this story u guys mean alot to me

well heres chapter 8 enjoy

Ruby closed her eyes, feigning sleep. Then, she heard the door slam and suddenly felt someone shaking her. Ruby looked up and she saw Devlin. He quickly grabbed her and threw her onto the floor.

“Ow!” she shrieked.

“Get up! I told you I will be back,” he said with an evil laugh. “You are not going to go to sleep. I am going to make sure of it! If you fall asleep, I am going to make you clean the entire house and if there is even one thing that is dirty, then I will make you redo it all. Understood? I said: do you understand? When I talk to you, you better answer me!” he slapped her so loud that there was a lasting echo. It made Charlie furious.

“Now I want you to go and clean our house anyway. Since we do have a party starting in exactly fifty minutes, I want the house to be shining by then and I want you to make all the food by then. There is a menu in the kitchen and I want you to make 100 of everything there. You know what will happen if you don’t. And I don’t care if you don’t have all the ingredients. Figure it out. Now get up,” he said, while pulling her by the hair and dragging her to the mansion. You could hear her screams the entire time. After the sound finally subsided, Charlie and Meg came out of their hiding spot. Charlie was angry and his face was flaming red. Meg noticed his face and tried to calm him down. “It’s okay Charlie. She will be fine,” She said, though not believing her own words.

“How can they treat her like that? He yelled. “What did she ever do to them? They make me so furious!”

“I know Charlie,” Meg said. “But we have to be strong for Ruby.”

“I guess you are right. For Ruby.”

“We will help her get out of this. We will do everything we can to help her,” Meg promised.

“How about we go find the menu, and buy everything she needs instead of her making it? We can stop at my house and get money for it all,” Charlie suggested.

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