31 - if we were a movie (part 1)

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A/N: I'm back. With a very short chapter. I graduated successfully. I'm working on a poetry collection. I'm writing novels (which probably suck, but they're drafts and drafts can be made better). And I've decided to reveal my art  Instagram: (@)veryk2kk_art (and the posts look better when looked at from the phone; the colours seem less vibrant on the computer).

Thank you to all who've been reading and voting and commenting. It brightens my day always! It feels good to hear positive feedback! I never get tired of it!

I hope you're all doing okay.

Happy reading x)

chapter 31 - if we were a movie


"If there's going to be a party– Like a final party, then absolutely fricking yes I want to be a part of it," says Jason casually.

"You're underage," Ben mumbles.

Jason gawks at him, mouth hanging open. "How dare you disrespect me like that? Calling me out like that." He shakes his head and rolls his eyes. "The audacity!"

Ben sighs. "You know bloody well you can't come."

We're sitting at the kitchen table, drawing out ideas.

As Ben told us, Jason practically begged him to come with. As he put it 'I want to be part of the change, the movement'. 

Is anger management a movement? In a way I guess it kind of is.

"You're just being mean," Jason replies and circles angrily on the paper. "I signed up to be the apprentice, but y'all ain't teaching me nothing."

"Shut up," Eileen whispers.

Jason blinks his eyes. "And she speaks. Thought you swallowed your tongue or something. You weren't very happy to see me."

Eileen shakes her head. "I swear you're all testing me."

Ben nudges her with his leg and she smiles.

"Not all of you. Some I can handle," she adds.

"So again, I'm the problem, huh?" Jason asks and leans back in his chair.

"The apprentice, the problem," Nolan says. "The man, the myth, the legend."

"That I like," says Jason happily, pointing a finger at Nolan. "Very much."

Marcus enters the room and stop when he spots Jason.

"I see you've brought children into this household," he marks and walks to the sink to pour a glass of water.

Jason flips Marcus off. "Pretty soon I'm going to turn eighteen and then I'll kick all of y'all butts. I'll kick them into another dimension. Have fun then."

"I think your math is a little bit off, Jay," I chip in.

We are thinking of logos, potential venues, trying to come up with the best way to find the right people who'd help us run the whole anger management project.

There's a lot of anger to managed in the world.

There's some in this room at the moment.

Jason scoffs. "Man, stop belittling me."

"Oh, I don't think you need any help in that department," Ben chuckles. "We just help bring things into light. But it's definitely you who's providing the material."

"Goddammit! And I can't tell mom or she will never let me come here again. Guess I'll just have to suffer," Jason says defeatedly. "And after all this...nonsense, sadly I still love you. But there's a very thin line between love and hate. Don't test me too much."

"No, we need to test you always. This is how you learn," says Nolan.

"I learn nothing. I'm more than sure I'm the one who's teaching you. See how chill I am saying 'I love you'? Were you ever that chill? Or were you trapped in fragile masculinity. Better get a napkin 'cause I just spilled some tea."

"He's got a point," I mumble, frowning. "But then again, you were also in anger management, so you're not that perfect, Jay."

"I never said I was," he says hurriedly. "Or maybe I did...I don't know."

Nolan tugs at my sleeve and I turn to look at him.

"All that mushy talk has got me thinking," he says and a part of me panics a little. He pulls me closer and kisses me on the lips.

"There, that's better," he says and I feel my cheeks heat up.

Ben lets his head fall on the table.

"Ouch!" Jason reacts.

Marcus scrunches his nose. "Alright, I'm off." He leaves the kitchen and closes the door behind him.

Eileen stares at him and then drops her eyes. She's trying to origami her way to a flower or a swan but so far she's failing.

I hate seeing my friends feel lonely. The least I can do is make Nolan bake that famous apple pie.

"I think we need to go grocery shopping," I whisper to my other half.

His face lights up. "And?"

"And I need your amazing baking skills to brighten up their day."

He's biting his lower lip. "Amazing? You think?"

I push his face away gently. "Stop being dumb."


I know this is stupid, but hear me out.

"Do you have his number?" I ask Dean.

He looks up at me disbelievingly. "Who?"

I roll my eyes. "You know who."

Dean's expression changes. He looks halfway surprised, but not quite. "You feeling sorry?"

I shake my head. "None of your business. Please answer my question."

"I wasn't that close with him, sorry. I bet Ash has his number."

What do you mean–? Nevermind. Dean's Dean. He's friendly with everybody, borderline best friends forever, but he never sees it that way.

Or maybe he does and I'm not giving him enough credit for it.

"Okay, fine," I say a little too rudely and then reconsider. "I mean, thanks, I guess."

Dean nods and turns to talk to Peter.

So I storm into Ash's office and she looks up at me with a very bored expression.

"I need Cameron's number," I say.

She raises her eyebrow. "Need? Last I checked we have got nothing to do with him."

"He–" I'm trying to think of something. "He left his jacket at a party and since I'm the only one who knows him, then–"

"Fine," Ash stops me. She takes the folder from the drawer and turns pages until she finds his number. "Thankfully I didn't completely erase it." I can see a thick line of black marker on the paper.

I add him as a contact in my phone, thank Ash, and rush off.

My hands are shaking and I can't think straight.

Why did I even do this? It's not like we're friends.

Maybe this is wrong.

I decide not to call or text, but just in case keep his number.

Maybe I'll have use of it later. Or maybe it was just a mistake. 

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