15 - bad, but only halfway

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Dammit, I wanted to post this yesterday, but then I went out and forgot. Sorry about that.

Anyway, I hope you like it. Let me know either way.

Chapter 15 – bad, but only halfway

Thankfully I don't have to say anything about my feelings or anything, because Greg forces the other guys to talk. It's a safe space, he says. Say anything, he says.

Please, can you be more naive, Greg? A safe place? You mean you really didn't see it coming that Mickey was going to tease the others? But Nolan came to rescue and growled at him. A little push and he would've barked; a bit more and he would have beaten the shit out of that smug face.

We went on a walk yesterday (it's Friday). Back to the wilderness and all that. Greg liked it. I'm not sure the others did, though. We ate lunch and then kept moving.

So, it's Friday, yes. And tonight's singing-by-the-fire-and-telling-stories time. Mary left because her daughter was in town and Greg told us to figure lunch out ourselves. "Just fry eggs, whatever," he said, which I'm sure he didn't tell Heather when she made the deal that she'd send me here.

I narrowed my eyes at him, but Nolan was happy to cook.

I just finished talking to Sam. Ryan tried to flirt with her but she disregarded him. I just hope she isn't being reckless with the other guy.

The kitchen is a magical place when I return.

Nolan refused to settle for eggs. No, he's making us a three-course meal and Caleb is happy to help. "Food's the way to a girl's heart," he recites and Jason rolls his eyes at him.

"Can I help?" I ask. Nolan glances at me with a foxy grin and keeps beating the eggs. At least he's not beating a human.

"Boil some pasta," he says. I nod as I make way and take the pot, fill it with water and set it on the stove.

"So, Caleb, have you got any specific girl in mind?" Nolan teases and Caleb slaps his shoulder. "I'm just asking, buddy."

Jason pulls himself on the counter and swings his legs. "We're going to tease you anyway, C. Might as well tell us."

Nolan sends him a look. Jason lifts his eyebrow. Nolan shrugs, smiling.

Caleb runs his finger along the drawer and sighs. "Well, she's not as gross as the other girls."

Both me and Nolan throw our heads back and laugh. "Oh you'll be singing a different song very soon," Nolan says and tousles Caleb's hair. "Now help me with the dessert."

Jason is on salad duty and I have to make sure the pasta turns out delicious. I raid the cupboards for seasoning, while Nolan teaches Caleb how to make the best apple pie ever.

"Every time I go home, I make it for mom," he tells Caleb who is busy slicing the apples. Every once in a while he puts a slice in his mouth. Nolan shakes his head at that. "If you keep eating these, we'll never finish."

"Sorry," Caleb shrugs and takes another. "I'm hungry."

"I know you are," Nolan sighs. "I wish Greg'd given me a head start." He glances at the clock. Some of the other guys have settled for sandwiches, others for cereal and they've taken it outside. We have the kitchen to ourselves.

Ben comes inside and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. He washes the bowl and sniffs the air as he leans against the counter next to Jason. "Whatcha cookin'?" he asks. "And am I invited? Man, this smells delicious."

Bad Boy, Good Boy (boyxboy)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن