17 - hello i don't like you (part 1)

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A/N: This is horrible, I've been away for such a long time. (Well, i haven't completely been missing in action, I just haven't posted.) 

Still writing my thesis. Still stressed about everything. Still not getting enough sleep. Still a human mess.

Thank you to all of you who are still with me and ready to read and ready to wait weeks and weeks for an update. I'm very sorry, but I want to get a degree. (I have a bunch of people to thank, but next time.)

Happy reading, x)

chapter 17 – hello i don't like you (part 1)

It's my birthday.

Nolan promised to bake apple pie, but he's too beat up from last night. Not because he fought, but because he decided to do some intense training. He and Farley went running and then they decided to do twenty push-ups every half a mile.

He fell asleep immediately after it. Slept for twelve hours. And now every time he moves, he groans.

"I told you it wasn't a good idea." I brush scrambled eggs onto his plate, along with strips of bacon.

Nolan slaps my ass. "And I didn't listen."

"Where's my present?" I set the pan down and walk round the table, sitting opposite from him.

He scratches his neck. "Present? You think you deserve one?"

I roll my eyes. "Damn right I do. What's the point in getting older when there are no presents involved?"

He shrugs. "So, skip a year."

I take a mouthful of scrambled eggs and chew. I've invited everyone, and everyone has said they'll come. I miss Jason and his foul mouth, Caleb and his sweet smile. Ben hasn't been away for that long to miss him. And Cameron can update what's going on with him and Devon.

Rumour has it that they're not getting along.

And the boys have left Eileen alone. Maybe their hope ran out. Maybe they finally realized she is just a girl trying to figure life out, and that getting involved with someone will just make everything more confusing.

Nolan kicks me under the table. "I like you," he says with a grin.

"Just shut up and eat," I say.

"You're more appealing than breakfast," he says and shrugs. "Just so you know."

"Sometimes I think you forget that we're together," I say and sip coffee. "But then I don't say anything because I like the way you talk to me."

"You mean you like the way I flirt," he corrects me.

I nod.

"I'd much rather you didn't have your shirt on," Nolan continues. "I like my breakfast with a nice view. Take it off."

I raise my eyebrow. "Off?"

"Off," he nods. "Or I'll come and tear it."

I lean back in my chair and tilt my head. "Hmm? And then I'll just replace it with one of yours."

He tenses. "Fuck, I would like that."

"I know you would," I smirk. "Probably wouldn't be able to keep your hands off me."

Nolan closes his eyes, exhales. "Yes."

I grab the fork. "But I'm doing neither of those, so eat up. We have my birthday to plan."

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