16 - hello you don't like me

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A/N: Here I am again. Thank you @GuppiLillabajs for being awesome (here's that shoutout that I sort of promised :) ), and also, thank you @imogenm73 who read Blue Howard and voted for every chapter. 

I don't when I'll be able to post the next chapter, because I really-really have to read for my research (because I want to graduate). Lately I've been thinking about going to study abroad for one semester (most likely next spring), but I don't like being out of my comfort zone. But I want to do it, just so I can prove myself wrong. 

Also, do you like Cameron's POV? (it's not very interesting yet, but let me know anyway)

chapter 16 – hello you don't like me

I kiss him once, twice, three times before I let him leave me by the counter and walk toward the ring.

Eileen is glaring at the audience, one hand on her hip. "Five more seconds to place your bets," she says with voice like honey. All her charms are working. All those charms are spells are traps.

Nolan takes his shirt off, grabs the back of it and pulls it over his head. He glances over his shoulder, winks at me, and throws his shirt.

I reach my hands out and catch it.

"Looks like it's you he's taking to his bedroom tonight," mumbles Tom, arms propped on the counter.

"Ha-ha, very funny," I say. "Obviously it's me."

"Yeah," he exhales. "I wonder when life's going to drop me someone who loves me that much as that boy loves you."

I clutch Nolan's shirt. It smells like him. It smells like home.

"Whenever someone says something like this, my answer's the same: maybe you should go to anger management."

Tom shakes his head. "My anger is not the problem. And I sure as hell am not going to make it into one. I've got plenty of problems without it."

I nod. "Hey, could you fix me a mimosa? I'm feeling extra festive. But with non-alcoholic sparkling wine." Champagne is for rich people. God knows I'm not one of them. I make just enough to pay rent and put food on the table. Oh, and for buying pens and paper for school.

"Very festive, indeed," says Tom and rolls his eyes.

"It's a different kind of festive," I add but he's not listening, and to be honest, I'm not paying much attention to him either. I'm looking at Nolan. Well, I'm staring at the locks of hair on his head, because I can't see much from here, even though the bar is a step higher.

Lately, more and more rich kids are paying to get beat up. And they're paying good money. We no longer have to fight one of our own, but a grinning face with ravenous eyes. Well, it's not like it's an obligation. But business is going good, which is why I bet that's exactly why Devon's trying to screw this up.

"Here," Tom says.

I take the drink from his hand and sip it. "Nice," I say, and it's meant as a compliment. You know, not every compliment is strong. Some of them are weak as fuck. But it's still a compliment. Uncover your eyes and celebrate it.

Eileen tries to get through the audience. She removes some bobby pins and shakes her head, so that her hair falls in waves. She slams the bobby pins on the counter and then takes off her shoes. "I'm exhausted," she says.

I don't know what went on with her and Marcus, but after their conversation, she seemed calmer.

"Is it twelve o'clock already? Cinderella rushing home?" It's my weak attempt at a joke.

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