9 - hello birthday and werewolves

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A/N: Don't worry, there won't be actual werewolves.

I'm a little sick, which makes me incapable of finding motivation to do anything, but I felt that I should give you at least something this week. It's not as long as I would've initially liked, but it'll do (hopefully). 

Happy reading x)

(PS. make me happy by commenting and voting. lots of comments. please. i beg. humbly.)

chapter 9 – hello birthday and werewolves

Marcus refused to hold a fighting pit here while we're celebrating Nolan's birthday. So, today there are no strangers here. Just the people we like (more or less). For example, I can't decide if I like Marcus more or less.

Nolan's wearing a party hat, pink with a princess drawn on it. "Because I'm a motherfucking princess," as he put it.

"You're also mad," I added, biting my thumb.

He blew me a kiss and winked. "Careful," he said, pointing his finger at me. "I might take it to heart." But we both knew that wasn't going to happen. Certainly not the me being careful part, nor the Nolan taking my words to heart.

Farley is pouring juice into glasses. "This is different than I imagined," he says. We're all sitting at the bar with only Farley behind it. Nolan takes a straw and plays with it until he finally stick it into his drink. "Is it even a party?"

Nolan hisses. "There will be underage people here," he explains. "And I'm being considerate."

Farley raises his hands in surrender. "I'm just saying."

"Well, don't." Nolan stares Farley down until he drops his hands.

We're both nervous. Me and Nolan both. Do they still like us? Ben probably does since we just saw him a week ago. But what about Jason? Caleb? Is Paul coming?

I wipe my sweaty palms against my pants. Nolan glances over his shoulder, chewing on the straw, and reaches out to take my hand. "Babe, it's okay," he smiles, and tilts his head back a little. "You look adorable. They'll love you." He muses. "But not more than I do."

He yanks me forward and plants his lips on mine, thankfully removing the straw before doing so. That would've been awkward. "Nothing can go wrong," he says quietly. "It's already perfect."

Immediately my mind goes to the morning. A blush sneaks up on me.

The door slams and all our heads turn toward the sound.

A grinning Jason marches up to us, holding a bouquet of flowers. He nods to everyone, and then stop in front of Nolan who lets go of my hand and straightens up. "I know you didn't want any flowers, so–"

That little prick. I can't believe him.

Jason glances at me. "Is there a problem?"

"There wasn't until now," I reply, eyeing him.

"Then we're following the plan," he says, beaming at me. But Nolan doesn't let him leave that easily. He pulls him into a hug, thanking him over and over. And he's very eager doing so, I start wondering whether he's going to kiss him by the end of this little act.

"Aren't you just the cutest pumpkin," Nolan says, holding onto Jason and that bouquet of flowers, swaying the both of them from foot to foot. Roses and cloves and a single chrysanthemum in the middle.

But it does not smell good.

Finally, Nolan lets go of Jason who is wincing. "Man, he's really turned you soft."

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