24 - don't hurt me (part 1)

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A/N: dont' cheer just yet. Yes, I uploaded finally but i have no idea when i get to upload next. But I have a better idea of how I want this story to go, so all this time did not go to waste. 

I have a lot of people to thank, but most of the usernames are lost in the feed, but just know that I am very-very honored that people still keep finding this story and still vote and comment and that is amazing. I've been missing this community so much, but university demands my attention, which is why I've been so M.I.A.

chapter 24 – don't hurt me


Before we parted for the night, his last words to me were, "I still hate you, though."

And I nodded. Because what more could I ask for? The only sensible thing to ask for and actually get, was for him to hate me. And that was fine. I could deal with him hating me, I was used to the distance between us. But what I couldn't deal with was that for a moment back in the training hall he hadn't been the Devon I'd been told about nor the Devon I had met when I first got here.

Maybe he had just been tired, which caused his brain to act differently.

Maybe he just didn't care anymore.

After all, what was I? A mere side character in his life with no actual part to play. Just background noise. And why would anyone try so hard to be something they're not for just background noise?

There were many explanations for why he had been the way he had, but getting into any of them would have taken me too much time. Instead I decided to run home to get some exercising done. And all the while I ran I could maybe not think about Devon. I could just think about how I hated running.


"You have no idea how much I love you," Nolan tells me.

I'm sitting at the kitchen table, one leg pulled up against my chest, cheek against my knee, and I'm looking at him, how he's making pancakes. How he's so lovable at everything he does.

"I have some," I reply dreamily, with a smile dancing on my lips.

Nolan glances at me. "This cooking–," he gestures, "is also a way of showing you. You know that, right? I'm letting actions speak at the moment. And also myself."

"You're sweet," I mumble. He looks so good in those grey sweatpants. I'm getting ideas. But I'm hungry so I'll just wait until after we're done eating to carry some of those ideas out.

"Only because you love me too, or something."

I nod with a hum.

"Hey, babe?"

"Yes, dear?" he asks.

I lift my head. "What if we got a pet?"

Nolan raises his eyebrow and leans against the sink. "Are you saying I'm not enough for you anymore?" He's joking, of course.

"Yeah, I'm getting pretty tired of your face," I say and drop my leg. I place my elbows on the table. "I don't know. I mean we could, right? This place is secure even when there are fights happening downstairs. And one of us is usually at home, and if not, then we've got plenty of babysitters." I shrug. "Wouldn't it be nice, though?"

"We'll think about it," he says.

I'm not mad he's not into it immediately. It's just a thought I had. A very sudden thought. I haven't thought much about the future, but since the visit at my dad's, I can't help but think where this is going and where we'll eventually end up. In every scenario I see myself with Nolan. There's just no other way.

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