35 - if we were a movie (part 2)

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A/N: Hello!

Happy reading x)

chapter 35 - if we were a movie (part 2)


"The number you're trying to reach is-"

Well, shit.

At least I can pretend this didn't actually happen.

I never pressed 'call'.

I never wondered what he's doing.

I never wondered whether he was thinking about me or not.

This didn't happen.

It's a secret between me and the universe.


I feel weird seeing Luke in class. I don't feel like saying hi.

Somehow the universe decided that he catches my eye and it leads to nowhere. And now I'm living in this 'nowhere'.

Even now that he's a person (contrary to before when he was an idea I was chasing), I can't see myself be friends with him. But if I'm not friends with him, is it an insult to him as a person? Are his friends also insulted by my actions (or lack of action)?

And still, for some reason, I'm seeking validation from them. But I don't want to be associated with any of them. But they were cool. All cool people, just not my people.

Am I going to regret this years from now?


"Did you hear?" Dean asks.

There's a rock in my shoe. I remove the sneaker and turn it upside down to get the rock out. "Hear what?"

"What these walls have been whispering?" His voice is teasing. He gestures around, eyes twinkling. Weirdly, ever since my reveal - when I asked him for Cameron's number - he's been friendlier with me. Is Dean sensing that I need a friend? Not that it's true. I can manage on my own. Also, I have friends. Lots of them. There's Char, there's...other people as well. I'm doing good. I'm just worried about graduation a little. Have I taken this bad boy image too far? No. Probably not. I-

"The walls have been whispering?" I raise my eyebrow. "Or have people been whispering? I doubt inanimate objects can speak."

"It's a saying. A metaphor, if you will," Dean says and rolls his eyes. "I guess you have to finish high school first. Your brain is too small to grasp concepts like these."

Ouch. It's like he's reading my mind, pushing the exact buttons I don't want pushed.

"Shut up." He's irritating me on purpose. What, is he looking for a fight? Is this his master plan to train by fighting me? Shouldn't we save conflicts for the ring?

"Soon we'll be the only ones fighting, no competition," he reveals. Why is he so happy about this?

"What? Why?"

Healthy competition is good for business. It's also more fair.

"Marcus is taking a different direction. Or so a little birdy told me."

"I thought it was the walls whispering, not birds."

"Hard to tell. There's a lot of noises in my head. I might need some medical attention, probably," he says dramatically and gestures, shaking his hands. "So, did you call Cameron?"

I clench my jaw and tie my sneakers. "No."

"Good boy. No need to distract him with your bullshit," Dean says, then nudges me. "Run laps with me?"

I shrug. "Sure. Promise you won't start crying if I win?"

"No promises."

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