Choice A) (Carla Ending)

Start from the beginning

There wasn't much use denying it. She really really  liked you, more than she liked almost anyone else. 

Just then, she saw Emma skipping into the kitchen. And, unless Carla was wrong, Emma was staring right at her cabinet.

"Hey Emma."

You yawned. 

"Hey (Y/N). Would ya mind getting the scissors from the table for me? I need them to cut open a new bag of milk."

She replied, still staring at Carla. You sighed.


You said, moping out of the room. Emma grinned. She waltzed over to the cabinet, and swung open the door.

"Hello! Fancy seeing you here."

Emma said. 

"What do you want?"

Carla groused.

"You have a crush on (Y/N)."

Emma said flatly. It wasn't a question, and Carla couldn't see herself arguing about it after being caught hiding in a cabinet.


Carla said suspiciously. Emma's smile intensified.

"She's coming. Better get back in your cabinet!"

Emma said cheerfully. 

What is this pipsqueak trying?

Still, she was right, and your footsteps were approaching fast. She slammed the door shut, and tried to push away the nervous feeling of Emma knowing her secret.

Is it that obvious? Does (Y/N) know too? Does she think I'm pathetic?

She saw you enter the room, and pass Emma the scissors.

"Are you alright? You look like your on something."

(Y/N) said with a yawn. 

"Yup, yup, totally fine."

You shrugged, and opened the fridge. Emma gave the cabinet a meaningful look.

You pulled something out, and started slicing it. 


Emma screamed in your ear. You flinched, and then gasped in pain. Carla heard the knife clang against the floor. Without thinking, she shoved open the door, and jumped out. Emma grinned at her, and walked out.

Damnit, this was a terrible idea.

Unfortunately though, she'd already commited to this, and there was no real way to inconspicuously jump back into the cabinet.

She grabbed your wrist, and pulled your hand up to assess the damage. You had a clean, deep-ish cut right across your palm. She saw Emma smirk at her, and waltz back out of the room.


"That bitch-"

Carla started.

"I'm fine Carla. It's nothing, really."

Your blood had begun to drip onto the floor.

"For god's sakes (Y/N), I'm not blind. I can see the blood."

She dragged you from the room, and towards the stairs, hoping the upstairs bathroom was unoccupied, ignoring Kid's shouts after you. 

She knew the layout of your house relatively well, as she'd had a good deal of time to explore it. She'd run into Kid in your room, and then on her way out she'd accidentally started a domino chain, beginning with her, and knocking over at least 6 others. 

"Really, Carla, I'm fine."

You mumbled, but she ignored you. She could still hear drips of blood falling against the floor in rhythm to her footsteps.

She swung open the door to the bathroom, and half threw you inside.

"You are not fine, you are bleeding, and I'll be damned if I'm gonna let you bleed out alone on the kitchen fucking floor."

She snapped. She joined you inside, and slammed the door shut behind her.

"Now where are the goddamn bandages?"

She shuffled around the room, opening cabinets and drawers, until she had her arms laden down with everything that looked even sort of medical.

Your POV

You sat down on the rim of the bathtub.

I hope she knows what she's doing.

Your hand hurt more than you hoped you were letting on, but you knew that if Carla did not know what she was doing, it might end up hurting a great deal worse.

"This might hurt."

Carla said bluntly, before grabbing your injured hand at the wrist, and roughly applying some kind of ointment.

"Do you even know what that is?"

You asked, flinching. Carla nodded. She then plopped 3 ads of gauze onto your now greasy hand, and began wrapping over them in bandages.

"You don't need to do this, you know. You don't owe me anything."

"I know."

Carla replied shortly.

"Then why are you?"

Carla glared at you.

"Because I really like you, you oblivious fucking idiot."

She snapped.


You stuttered. 

Carla laughed unhappily.

"Forget it. It doesn't matter."

You gulped.

Well, I mean, now or never.

"I-um-really like you too....yeah."

You mumbled. Carla stopped bandaging your hand.


"Oh come on. Are you gonna make me say it again?"

Carla started bandaging your hands with a new vengeance.

"Well yeah, 'cause I think I misheard you."

She muttered. You sighed.

"I like you too."

You said as clearly as possible, so you wouldn't have to repeat yourself.

Carla was silent. 

"Please say something."

You said. 

Was this a huge mistake? Oh good lord this is so awkward.

"I'm waiting for the catch. There's always a catch."

She replied.

"Hit me. What's the catch?"

You laughed uncomfortably.

"No catch. I like you, and it's getting more and more awkward every time I say it."

The two of you sat in silence for a few seconds.

"Soooooo. What exactly were you doing in my cabinet?"

Sharp intake of breath from Carla.

"Hush. I'm trying to bandage your hand, and I do not have the capacity to do both."

"Because that's obviously what it is."

"Well, obviously."

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