0.56 | I Wonder What A World This Is ?

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"Leave my hands you jerk!"

Ruby spontaneously kicked her legs and felt the grip tightened around her wrists. She didn't care if it quakes to her very own marrow. All she wanted was to save her face for Joseph and his mother to recognize. That's it.

The left guy roped her legs in the loop of his arms. "Dare to utter a single word more and see what will do with your legs."

Ruby grunted, "Apply these tactics on anybody else. I'm not afraid of you and your loser boss."

In the meantime, Ruby realized that staying quiet would be ideal in such a situation. She directed her gaze to capture a landmark or anything through the black windows. If asked to describe, she would take the name of buildings, bulldozers, and concrete mixers. It looked like this area hadn't been developed. The place seemed very dry despite having reens running parallel. Everything was pointing toward rurality. Hell. There were no signboards because of this.

Where are these nitwits taking me? she thought and knew she was going to faint at any minute. She managed to turn her head and look at the sand settling down in slow motion. Will Joseph ever find me? Or see me?

The car halted and so did her heartbeat. Having a dearth of mercy, the white beard pulled her out; she even sprained her right foot.

Ruby groaned and her eyes moistened. In an uncivilized way, she dug her crescents in his forearms to separate herself from him, but it was a vain effort on her part. "Let go of me!"

"I will. But let me show your face to our boss first," he spilled the words like a demon.

She felt mawkish and wanted to throw up. Ruby termed the gray building standing tall as the 'death house' once her eyes formed a clear picture of it. Thinking in a hushed tone, she reminded herself, "I want to go back. I want to go back."

Like two peas in a pod, they dragged her to the basement in perfect synchronization. There was one more thug with a cut on his left cheek and a purple weft waiting for their arrival. Nobody could dare to imagine these well-dressed men could turn out to be fatal.

The same man was coming close, finger latched on her jawline; his voice was hoarse, "Tie her."

Ruby warned and tried to pull her hands with brute strength, "Hey! Don't touch me."

He lifted a hand in dismal and vanished off.

Ruby was tied to one of the large canisters. She felt an ounce of relief as her back slammed against the cold steel. Nevertheless, her eyes released the stream of tears of the memories she made so far with everyone.

There was silence.

A new figure appeared before her eyes. Arnold Garfield lit his cigarette and took a long drag. "I hope they brought you here by exercising extra care."

It elicited the guts in Ruby and answered, "So, it was your plan."

"Well . . . yes and no." He situated himself next to her. "If you wouldn't have lost the keys, or if you would have simply followed my commands and married Tasher right after Katherine transfers everything in your name; you would have been in your bed sipping on your orange juice."

Ruby laughed at his face. "Just look at your age, Arnold. Are you seeking revenge against a girl of your son's age? Does it sound good?"

Arnold's eyes widened and he grasped her mouth and jerked it. "It does. Or at least in my world. Do you have any problem?"

Ruby giggled, letting her anger smear under her skin. "I have. Why have you brought me in here?"

"Now we are getting on business. I need that phone in which you have recorded my voice."

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