0.27 | Je t'aime : First Trial

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A tiring journey to the bedroom met its final stoppage when Lucy pushed the exceptionally tall and wide doors inside. Ruby crashed on the bed without appreciating the luxurious treatments given to the walls, rug, windows, and ceiling fixtures. The sharp pain in her ankles ruined her peace of mind.

"Fuck these suicide heels!" Ruby kicked the pair off; one of which hit the golden horse statue. The figure tottered and so did Ruby's inner thoughts. Until then both of them watched the demolition of the horse with bated breath. Oddly, it got back to its position safely in a matter of eleven seconds, they exhaled in unison.

Relief! Not really.

"Are you okay, Ma'am?" Lucy pressed her hand to her chest.

"Partly." Ruby flattened on the bed.

"I don't know if should ask, I'll ask it anyway, are you wearing ill-fitting . . . heels?" Lucy was hesitant at first and as a moment of silence passed, she went on like a broken record player harassing Ruby's ears, "Wearing badly fitting footwear can present a slew of issues such as ingrown toenails, bunions, plantar fasciitis, and circulatory problems. For most people, wearing dress shoes can be a toss-up between pinched toes and aching feet."

She continued with her closed-fist system of counting despite Ruby flapping her hands in the air in an urgent need of discontinuation in her rant, she didn't stop until Ruby rose on her knees and planted her hands on her shoulders, more like threatening her with the prominence of her wide eyes.

"Stop right there! Please stop," Ruby shouted and soon enough gushed out her problem humanely not robotically. "No, the heels are absolutely befitting. Honestly speaking, it's because I've never covered this much-- considerable distance ever before."

Lucy's face lowered down and her voice dipped, albeit she spoke, "Six months back, I also went through the same problem. Over time my leg muscles understood their capabilities and I could walk around a thousand times more." Lucy smiled while fixing her eyes on an object, as her memories came flooding by.

Thousand times more, and with heels, at that.

Ruby snapped her fingers before her eyes and Lucy jumped up, pleading for a rueful sorry.

"I hate to inform you that we have to make your stay in this guest room for today. I would like to apologize on behalf of Mrs. Warner."

Both of them turned around to find a new person namely, Mary making her way through the door with hands folded in front. Lucy took a safety measure by sprinting out of the room, leaving a perplexed Ruby behind.

Ruby clambered out of the bed, neatly pressing a hand on her trousers.

"I don't mind staying here. It's way too spacious for just one person. If Emily sees this ─ damn."

"Who sees this?" A quick elevation of her eyebrow and her venom-coated question made Ruby gulp a lump and look away. Her physical condition was close to touch and go case, nevertheless, all her senses had been working in the right condition. How did she catch this?

Ruby pursed her lips and rearranged the words to mitigate the bubble of suspicion. "I mean the room is very beautiful. I'm all okay with what Mrs Warner has planned for me."

"Good enough. There is a cordless phone on the side table, you can dial triple two and get a staff member to help you get entertained at any time of the day."

"You mean to say it's like the system of room services being provided in luxe hotels?"

"Yes . . ."

"Forgive me for asking it again. The staff will be here at my beck and call. Like: At. My. Beck. And. Call!?"

"Yes," Mary sang, googled-eyed. The truculent's sixth sense told her that something was off with this girl. With the way her reactions came out, everything pointed to one adjective: weird. "You will be called for dinner after an hou--"

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