Chapter fifty two.

Start from the beginning

I ran down the hall and knocked on everyone's doors and hoped for an answer but I got none. We were literally leaving the country and none of the boys are here to say goodbye, or even tell them we are leaving.

I went back to Luke and I's room, he had booked our plane tickets and was now on the phone to his mum. I took the opportunity to call Beau, as he is most likely to answer.

"Hey" he answered.

"Hi hi, no time to make small talk okay?! Luke and I have just booked flights to go home, we need you to tell the others we are leaving okay?" I said quickly.

"Chelsea, please tell me you were speaking a different language there because I couldn't understand a fucking word you were saying" beau laughed.

"Luke and I are going back to Australia" I said.

"What? When?"

"Now!!" I shouted down the phone.

"Shit, what?!" Beau said, sounding shocked.

"Exactly, we're leaving in like 2 hours man!! Pretty rational decision but we want too, we want to go home"

"We are on our way" beau said quickly, before hanging up.

Luke was now off the phone with his mum, who was extremely happy we were coming back. Luke and I continued packing, and quickly sorting last minute arrangements for when we arrive back home. I heard the front door open and the rush of feet come into the house and up the stairs.

"woah, looks like a bombs hit this place" jai laughed, but he was right. Our room was a tip.

"What time are you leaving?" He asked.

"Flight is at 4, so probably around 2.30" Luke said.

Jai nodded and smiled slightly, all the boys left our room and we continued packing a few more things. Luke and I took out bags down the stairs and put them into Beaus car, as he offered to drive us to the airport.

As we said goodbye to the boys, I thought I would get emotional but in all honesty I didn't. I think I was just so excited about going home and seeing my mum,sister and Gina. Daniel came in the car with us too, so beau wasn't alone on the drive home. The car ride was pretty silent, but I could sense Luke's excitement.

Once we reached the airport, we got our bags from the car and then said goodbye to beau and Daniel.

"Bye skip, stay out of trouble" I joked, as I hugged him.

"I'll try too" he smiled.

"I'll miss you" he said, frowning slightly.

"I'll miss you too, but I'll see you soon"

"Bye beau" I said, wrapping my arms around him, as he held me tightly.

"Stay safe and strong okay?" Beau asked.

I nodded and hugged him again, before taking Luke's hand and walking into the airport. We checked in and got rid of our bags before going to get a drink. Then heading to the departure lounge. As we waited for our flight, Luke told me that he hadn't bothered booking return flights just yet. As we didn't know how long we wanted to stay home for. Which I thought was good, because then we didn't feel pressured into doing what we want to do in a number of days or weeks.

Our flight number was called and we began walking to the plane and as we queued to get on, I could see the smile on Luke's face grow bigger. As we entered the plane, I quickly touched the outside of if for good luck. We took our seats, and the flight took off. It was going to be a long one, but it would be so so worth it.


We are here, we are home.

I woke Luke, who was asleep on my lap. His eyes widened and a huge smile spread across his face. We exited the plane and went to get our luggage. We waited around the carrousel until we saw ours. Once we had retrieved it, we headed out into the main part of the airport where Gina was stood waiting for us, Luke ran up and hugged his mother. Which made me smile from ear to ear. I hadn't told my mother I was coming home yet, I thought I would surprise her and Emma.

We got into the car and drove back to our old home, I had missed it here so much. I just love the atmosphere.
We unpacked our things and chatted with Gina for a while before I decided to head over to my mums. I walked over there, quickly and full of excitement.
I knocked on the door, and waited for someone to answer. My mum opened the door, and her face lit up.

"Hi mum" I smiled.

'Mum'???, it then dawned on me that recently that's all I've been calling her. I no longer call her Jenny, it's just mum and it feels so natural.

"Oh my gosh" she said, her eyes filling with tears and she pulled me into a tight hug.

We spoke ever single day on the phone, but this is what I had longed for. This moment right here.

"Emma, come here baby" she called through.

I heard the tiny patter of little feet as they ran through.

"What is it?" She smiled up at mum.

"Look" she said, pointing over at me.

Her jaw dropped and she ran into my arms, my princess. I hugged her so tightly, I missed her so much.

"Come in, come in" my mum laughed.

We went in and spoke for hours, like a proper family.

and I loved every moment of it.


I stayed up until like 3am writing this chapter, so I really hope you like it💓

James faved my tweet again today (30/12/14) and I nearly peed myself ngl.🌚🌚


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