We misunderstood each other Part 3 [Hoseok]

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You went inside the dance studio, angrily. Min saw that you're angry and hugged you. "What's wrong (Y/N)?" He asked. "It hurts.. why.." You couldn't finish your sentence because of your sobbing. Little did you know, Hoseok saw you and Min hugging.


-Break time-

"Hey (Y/N), let's go and take some fresh air?" Min asked you. You nodded and went out with him. "It's cool isn't it?" He asked. "Yeap." You replied. A while later, you saw Min Jae. 'Oh no. What does she want?' Inner you. "Hey babe!" She said to Min. 'Babe?' Inner you. You looked at Min and saw him smirked at you. You realized what was happening and took a step back.

"Oh, that's too late (Y/N). You're done for now." She said then the both of them beat you up. "You're stupid enough to think that I'm your friend." Min said and laughed. Min Jae laughed along and they left. You leaned against the wall and sat down. You buried your face into your knees and cried. 'Why Min?! I trusted you!' Inner you.

A while later, you heard footsteps. "(Y/N)? Is that you? Where is Min?!" He asked and rushed beside you. You looked up. "Why are you here?" You asked. "Min Jae said that Min hurt her. What happened to you? Where is Min?" He said panicked. "Min Jae said that? And that Idiot, he left." You said.

"Idiot?" You heard him whispered. He was about to ran up the stairs. "Well he was with Min Jae. They are a couple." You said which made him stop running. He turned to you and bent down to your level.

"Hoseok forget it if you don't want to believe me. But please stop worrying about me. I'll forget you. You should too.. I don't want you to worry about me anymore. Actually to be honest, I didn't know what you were talking about when you asked me out as I have not been on dates or people asking me out. I didn't know that I hurt your feelings until my best friend told me about it. I was about to apologized to you but she approached you. I don't know why but I felt hurt and jealous but I let it passed." You said.

He looked at you. "Why didn't you tell me (Y/N)? I thought you were doing it on purpose to get rid of me. I'm really sorry (Y/N). I accepted her because.. I wanted to forget you.. I'm sorry (Y/N).. I didn't know that you felt hurt. I'm sorry for saying hurtful things to you. I was hurt so I thought I should hurt you back... I was dumb but please come back to me..?" He asked while he sobbed and hugged you. You hugged back.

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