Min Yoongi - If that's what you want.. I will.. I will do it..

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Hey guys, this was requested by Fandomsr_Life, sorry for taking long to do your request, as well the others >< I am quite busy I promise to do ASAP ^-^. Hope you will enjoy reading it. Sorry it's short!! >-<

Genre: Angst

Name used: (Sae Yeon)

'Where is he again?' 'Why everytime he come back home very late..' 'Work? Until this late?' You keep thinking. He will only come back home around 2 am. Work cannot be late right? *door bell rings* 'ahh it must be him..' You open the door. To you shock, he has lipstick stains on his collar and his hair is messy. 'Don't tell me..' Your thought were being cut off by him when he push you away to go into his room. This is the first time, that you see him coming home with lipstic stains and messy hair. 'Is he cheating?' Inner you. 'No way.. Please don't tell me he is.. That might not be true...' You continued. He means so much in your life he was there for you everytime, but as time passes, he changed, become cold towards you. You don't know what is wrong with him and you keep wondering what you did, for him to act like this.

<2 days later>

You decided to take a walk because he's not home,he went out. While you were walking, you saw 2 people. You look closely, the guy look like Yoongi. You wanted to ignore the fact that you thought it's Yoongi. So you walk normally. To your surprise, it was him. You held tears in your eyes. Little did you know, Yoongi noticed you, but keep looking at the girl. 'Is it that girl...?' Inner you. 'That's it I cannot handle anymore.' Inner you again. You quickly ran to your house and go to the bathroom and fill the tub with water. You enter the tub and close your eyes and let the water running. 'Last long with her.. If that's what you want.. I will leave for your sake. Take care.' Inner you. A few moments later, your vision became blur and a while later, darkness. (End)

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