Jung Hoseok - Leave me for her pt 2

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Soooo here you go~ :) Thanks for reading Love ya guys!!! But maybe WARNING? Because is gonna be cheesy? XD for some maybe xD 😂😂.

Soo let's start!

*Jung Hoseok's POV*

I always feel something's missing, since I left her, is like I'm missing something important in my life.Why in the first place I even like (Person you hate)?? If not, I will not feel like this and not leave (Y/N) hurt.. AISH I just made her heart hurt. I want her back, I wish she will accept me again. Please (Y/N). Please am sorry.

*End Of Jung Hoseok's POV*

'Can I even move on? Hais.. What even? Leave me for (Person you hate)! If she wasn't here all the time, he wouldn't leave me and love her. ><. Why did she have to come in my life? *scoffs* obviously want to steal him away! And he.. is also.. argh!!' Inner you. 'Is okay is okay we can do it :)' Inner you again. You're walking on the streets. Someone grab your wrist and run and drag you along. "LET ME GO! WANT DO YOU WANT?" He didn't answer and still drag you along. Once both of you reach the locstion that he drag you. He turn around to face you. It's him! No way. "*scoffs* What do you want? Go away. You are the one who made me hurt. Now what? Want to hurt me more? Get lost I don't want to see your face!" No.. he doesn't get lost.. ._. .-. Instead, he push you to the nearest wall and trap you between in arms. 'Now what..' Inner you. "(Y/N)-ah.. Am really sorry I said those words to you.. is true that I love her. But when I am not around you. I feel something important is missing. So It's you. Like now, you are here, I don't feel like the one I said about something missing. I realised that I need you. You are the one. Not (person you hate). Forgive me (Y/N)-ah." You blush and look down. He grab your chin and bend down abit as he's tall... 😐😂. "Eyy.. Hahah Look who's blushing now?" "St-stop it" "hahah okie~ leggo? Forgive me? Let's start all over again?" "Yeap~" "awww thanks (Y/N)!! LOVE YA!" "Yah... Do-don't scream! People will hear it!" "Hahah who cares 😏. And I did that so people know that you are mine 😉. " You punch him in the chest playfully and he act like he was in pain. Both of you laugh and walk hand in hand. (End).

Hope you love this~ xD aish so cheesy 😂 omg 😅


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