About me

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Okay probably this is late for me to be publishing about me xD like suppose to be in the very first part but xD nevermind. I am gonna do it :').

So first of all I am 16 years old. I live in Singapore. Umm yea about my name, I won't say but my friends and other people that I know call me Eunie or Wonie xD since I use the name 'Eun Won' often. Sometimes I even forgot what's my name xD. I love to sing, dance, listen to music, writing English lyric, making jokes and also writing / reading fanfictions. Yeap for singing I do singing covers on my YouTube Channel. Maybe some of you would know or maybe don't know xD. That is my favourite thing to do when I'm bored. For dancing, I do it for fun like a workout. Listen to music(k-pop) while writing English lyric. It's like another hobby of mine to cover it when I'm done with the lyrics. I don't cover English that much more to Korean that is why you can't find that much of my English Covers :'). Joke around with my collage friends and the teachers. Haha. To be honest this is the year that I am very open to like I open up to people easily and faster compared to the past few years due to yea friends and stuffs. But yea am thankful that I at least have friends xD that likes to joke around xD. I am now living a happy life xD. Lastly, fanfictions, umm reading them and writing them is like releasing my stress. That is why I really like to write and read them whenever I'm down and such. But the most that I read is angst xD. Yes hahaha they will make me cry and have heartaches xD hahaha.

Some questions that you guys might ask (maybe? I don't know xD)
Have you been bullied before?
Do you have any siblings?
Do you have close/best friends?
What course are you studying now?

Okay. Firstly, I have been bullied before. When I was in Primary 6. Yeap haha I geuss it's because I don't talk that much, I don't report it to the teacher if someone takes my things. So I think they took advantage of me and bullied me knowing that I won't tell the teacher. But :/ it hurts. Anyways, moving on. Secondly yes, I do have a younger brother who is only 1 year younger then me. Thirdly, yes I do have I have 4 of them. They are my very close friends. They are the ones who will joke around with me xD. Lastly, what course.. Umm I am studying Web Applications. Umm it's not that easy because we have to do a lot of codings and like using photoshop and stuffs like that but I am trying my best xD.

Do state any questions that you might want to ask/know :>.

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