Jung Hoseok- Please Stop.. It hurts!

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"Please!! It hurts!" "SHUT UP! IS THAT HOW YOU ACT INFRONT OF HER?!" "What? What.... who is she. She was trying to sed-" He slap you. That stink. He would always hit you. But. That girl. Who is she? Why does he takes her side? And hurt me? I am his girlfriend. What is wrong with him! But.. you did are scared to fight back. " DON'T SAY THAT! GET LOST! WE ARE OVER!" "wh...what?? Why?!" WHY? WHY? *Scoffs*- Huh we are over since a long time ago *Smirk*" "What are you talking about??" He leans in closer to your ear and whisper " She's my girlfriend, that is why I hurt you." "What the?! Why...?" "Why?! Why you said? *Scoff* You're boring. She's fun to be around." Those words.. those words hurts you. "You... You.. You should have told me and why you broke us up without tel-" Slap. Why can't he just stop slapping me. "Tell you?! TELL YOU! You expect me to tell you? I don't need your permission. I know your answer. You wouldn't accp-" "Wouldn't? wouldn't accept? *Scoff* How could I accept it? And maybe I would if I knew about this becasue you don't love me. So I would leave you so you could have a peaceful life, same goes for me. I wouldn't get hurt by you anymore!! WHY?!" "... Hahaah now you know it so get lost now. I don't want to see you ever in my life. And if you want to do anything stupid, I don't care anymore, because in the past, when you try to selfharm and do something stupid, I would stop you. So now, if you want to die or what I don't care okay. So just die." In the past.. Just die.. Those words.. Does he really want me to die? That is his wish? Hais.. Why must I listen to him? But my heart... It hurts so much. The words that comes out from his mouth.. Hurts me.. " Really?? That is what you want? That will make you happy?" "YES! FOR GOODNESS SAKE! YOU LIKE TO MAKE PEOPLE REPEAT HUH?!" "So..Sorry.. I will then. I am really Sor-" "Whatever! Just get lost now!" He push you away. Of course you would fall. He left without even looking at you. Why must he say those words? (End)

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