Jung Hoseok - The Now Ex Boyfriend

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(F/B) = Favourite Baverage

(Side note: You might want to have a tissue, tissue packet or tissue box beside you :) omg I'm so evil. Do forgive your author.)

"Hey (Y/N). Let's meet up at the cafe I have something to ask you." "Sure Oppa give me a moment I will dress up and I will go there." "Alright see you there (Y/N)." "See you too Oppa~"

~At the cafe~

You push the door open to find him sitting inside with head hanging low. You walk towards him. "Oppa! Hahaha how are you? Why are you having your head hanging down low? What's the matter?" You said while taking a sit opposite of him. "Oh hey (Y/N)! Umm let's order something first shall we?" "Huh? Why are you avoiding the question?" You ask tilting your head to the side, confuse. "Ahh you were asking me a question? Sorry I didn't hear.. What is it?" "Ahh... Is okay~ we should order something first then~" "What do you want?" "Umm I would have (F/B) :>" "Arlight. Wait here." He walks to the counter.

~J-Hope's POV~
"Yes, may I have your order sir?" "Yes please one hot chocolate and (F/B) please? Thank you" "Sure. That will be $___." I handed him the money. "Thank you sir, your order will be up soon." "Alright thank you." After that I waited and look at (Y/N). I'm sorry (Y/N).. But it is not my choice.. Please don't cry.. Please don't hate me..

~4 minutes later~

"Sir your order is done." I walk towards the counter. "Enjoy sir." "Thank you" with that I walk back to our table.. Here goes nothing..

~End of J-hope's POV~

"Hey oppa!! Thank you!!" You take a sip of your (F/B). "Hmmm delicious!! 😋" he chuckle at your reaction. "Hehe. So what is it that you wanted to tell me oppa?" "Umm.. (Y/N)-ah.. Please don't hate me after I tell you this.." "Huh? What happen oppa. You're scaring me hahaha what is it?" You said while sipping on your (F/B). He hold your hands. "(Y/N).. My.. Mydadhasarrangedmewithsomeone.."
"Excuse me? What did you say? Hahaha so fast." "My dad. Has arranged me. With someone.." Your jaw dropped. How..? Why? "What do you mean oppa?" You knew what was the meaning of it. But you just couldn't believe it. "I have been arranged to married someone.. I am really sorry (Y/N)! Don't hate me please.. Please... It's not my choice. Please (Y/N)-ah.. You're always in my heart.. I promise you.." He kissed your hands while you had your tears are filling to the brim of your eyes. So did he. You looked up to him, sad. "I m-ean.. I-it c-cant be h-helped r-right? I-i Understand.." You broke down. He stood up and sat next to you and hugged you tightly, while sobbing. "I am really sorry (Y/N)..."

~Skips to 10 pm~

Both of you are walking, he wanted to walk you home so he walked with you. Both of you intertwined fingers while walking. Knowing that this will be the end of the relationship. The next day he will be your ex. A moment later, both of you reached infront of your house. He turn you to face him. You looked up at him. "Umm oppa this will be the end here right?" "(Y/N).. Remember what oppa said?" "That I will always be in your heart no matter what?" "Yes. No matter what happens (Y/N). I only have my heart on you, nobody else. So I won't be falling in love with her. You believe in me right (Y/N)?." "I know oppa.." "You look like you don't believe me.." He looked down, sad. "Oppa I trust you. No matter what happens." With that he pulled you into a hug. Both of you crying. A moment later you pulled away, cupping his face in your hands and wiping his tears with your thumb and smile weakly to him. Both of you then kissed each other like there is no tomorrow. Because the both of you knew that the next day would mark the first day of being exes. A moment later, he pulled away. Now instead of you cupping his face and wiping his tears, he is the one. "I'm gonna miss you (Y/N).." "I'm gonna miss you too oppa.." "Take care (Y/N).." "You too oppa" After that a last final peck and hug. With that you entered your house, he walked away. Now, to him, I am his ex girlfriend and he is now my ex boyfriend. (End)

-Omg that's a very long chapter :/. sorry guys if you guys cried ㅠㅠ. I'm such a bad author. Sorry guys :/. But hope you guys enjoyed it! Sorry once again!!-

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