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Tagged by 9Bangtan9

Tagged by 9Bangtan9

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1. My current bias is RM and my bias wrecker is ummm lol omg I can't there Jin and there like Jungkook. Lol they are all ruining my bias list 😂😂.

2. My 3 favorite colours are Blue, Purple and Green

3. Umm I respect all of them ^-^.

4. My dream occupation is to be a singer or a dancer(?) Or web designer.

5. My favorite BTS MV and choreography is Dope

6. 1. Blood Sweat & Tears
2. Dope
3. Mic Drop
4. Go Go
5. I Need U
6. Cypher pt 4
7. Fun boys
8. Baepsae
9. Boy in Luv
10. Danger

7. Used to but now nope.

8. The top 5 things that I hate would be
1st. The people who comes to me for help but when I want to talk to them, they ignore me. Basically whwn they need help they will come to me but don't bother listening to what I am going to say.
2nd. I have to do all the project work myself in a group.
3rd. People who talk behind their friends back.
4th. People who are rude
5th. People who lies. Because you don't know what will they do or say in reality.

9. Weird dream? I don't know if this is weird or not but yesterday I dreamt of me in a Japanese school and like bowing to everyone in the school 😅😅.

10. The animals that I like would be cats, pigeons and fish ^-^. You can call me weird xD. The animals I hate.. I don't hate animals ^-^.

11. My favourite book genre would be umm Romance or like Sad kind, depends on my mood 😂😂.

12. H-husband? Err... 😂 what? 😂😂 no one they are not mine xD

1. Quiet in real life
2. Keep things to myself
3. Likes to listen to music
4. Loves to dance and sing
5. Watch kpop MVs in free time
6. Writes English lyrics or own lyrics
7. Loves to write diary after going places
8. Loves to sleep (😂)
9. Loves going out to places
10. BTS is my life xD.

Not tagging anyone. Anyone can do this ^-^

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