25: Theatrical Memories

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"Tomorrow night?" Eren blinks towards the Prince who has trapped him in a corner with such an abrupt request.

"Yes," Levi confirms with a small nod. "Tomorrow night. You will be relieved of your duties which should allow you to accompany me for some quality time together."

For a long time, more time than Levi would have hoped, Eren only stares at him in bewilderment. Only this morning he was doing chores as normal as any servant should; cleaning, polishing armour and mucking out stables. Now all of a sudden his presence is being requested to accompany the Prince to a... what should Eren even call it? A date? 

The servant clears his throat as he finally makes it back to reality and he catches the seriousness in Levi's eyes, how hopeful he is for Eren to agree. 

"Ummm... Are you absolutely sure?" Eren asks with just a hint of hesitance. Levi clicks his tongue with a slight eye-roll.

"Of course I'm sure. I've got everything planned out already. You just need to bring your adorable self and your positive energy and it will be a night to remember," Levi tells Eren. It's so bizarre seeing Levi literally jumping on the balls of his feet. Never has Eren seen the Prince so excited about something before. The sudden glow that radiates off of him is almost contagious and if Eren wasn't so worried about what would happen if they're seen together out on a date, maybe he would be joining in with the bliss-filled haze. Eren runs a concerned hand through his own hair, eyes worried for only a moment before he needs to ask.

"Where exactly are we going?"

Levi's face lights up almost immediately, that glow sparking up even more. "We are going to the theatre," Prince Levi announces with pride. As soon as he mentions their destination, Eren freezes, eyes expanding in what Levi can only perceive as fear... That's not the expression Levi thought Eren would show. It certainly raises an uncertain eyebrow Eren's way. "Ever been to one before?" Levi decides to inquire.

Eren clear his throat as he looks away, eyes relaxing into a gentle half-lidded stare towards the ground. "Yes," Eren says with a half-smile, a smile that doesn't necessarily hint at joy, rather a sad reminiscent sort of smile that depicts a happy memory that has a few hidden cracks within its walls. "Once when I was younger."

"Oh?" Levi perks up in interest. Eren is no longer looking at him and is instead busying himself with arranging a vase of flowers. Something he has already done multiple times since before Levi even suggested going out on a date. There's something Eren isn't telling him and as much as Levi wishes to respect Eren's privacy, it's driving him mad how vague Eren's answer is.

"With who?" Levi asks.

Eren shrugs and picks off a dead leaf from the beautiful bunch of blossoming flowers. "Just family."

Levi hums slightly more intrigued. Eren never talks about his family. To know that the theatre is something Eren enjoyed with his family is a direct opening to delve deeper into Eren's mysterious past.

"Just family? Well, what did you see?"

"A play."

"Tch, what play?"

"I don't remember, I was just a kid."

Levi frowns at the very abrupt and short replies Eren is so helpfully giving him.

"Did you enjoy the performance?"

Eren ponders on the answer a little more than before. Then he shrugs nonchalantly and continues pulling off dead stalks and greenery. "I think I did. I don't really remember what it was about though. There was this big incident that pretty much took most of my attention."

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