17: Inner Conflict

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Hey Guys! Would just like to say a huge thank you to all who have been reading this story thus far. There is still a LOT of content to cover before this is done so I hope you are in it for the long haul! 

Before We begin, I would like to dedicate this chapter to @Charlenegx12 

She has been nothing but a huge support for me and honestly she has the sweetest heart I know, so this is the least I could do to thank her for all her support!

And thank you to everyone else who has supported me as well! Please don't think it doesn't go unappreciated, because writing this much on Wattpad and having so many of you comment with kind things to say means a heck of a lot. I don't think I can thank any of you enough for all the motivation you give me.

I had so much fun writing this chapter, and I have a feeling that you guys will know why.  ;) 

Enjoy! xx

One month. One month of constantly trying to find the so called "Soul-Mate" has proven to be a massive migraine, laced with a tiredness that is unbearable to handle, even for a Prince that has the entire Kingdom looking up to him. It is on one fateful day that Levi has just bailed from possibly one of his worst dates since his hunt for love began. It left him humiliated and flushed in an embarrassment worse than the time he had to watch his uncle fall in love with a troll. He storms into the castle, rushing down the halls only to stop at the one place he knows he can release his pent up aggression. Three impatient knocks is all it takes for the door to open to the Lady Mikasa's chambers, and Levi marches in without a word. He paces briefly before crossing his arms angrily and tapping his foot on the stone ground.

Mikasa stares at her cousin with a raised eyebrow. It's not usual for Levi to be so worked up. She carefully sits down on her bed and waits for Levi to unload his worries. The stressed Prince takes in a deep breath before exhaling in a very slow manner.

"So," Mikasa begins, gesturing for Levi to take a seat in the chair. He does so, arms never removing from their folded position or taking time to become at ease. The raven-haired woman watches as Levi crosses his legs, then uncrosses them, then shifts again before waiting for Mikasa to ask. "What happened?" 

"Mikasa, I had the worst date!" Levi throws his arms up in exaggeration before throwing them down, his head hitting the back of the chair in irritation. His frown says it all, accompanied by his body language which refuses to sit still.  Mikasa sighs and reaches for her hairbrush, gently running it through her hair.

"What happened this time?" She dares ask. This has to be at lease the tenth time Levi has come back to her proclaiming that he has had a terrible time. She cannot wait to hear what sort of disaster happened today. It must be pretty terrible if Levi is in this bad of a mood.

"She's married." 

Mikasa snorts. "Oh wow. You and women just don't seem to get along, huh?" 

Levi frowns at Mikasa's amusement to his very troubling situation. On a normal day, maybe Levi would have said a snarky comment back, something smart and insulting maybe, but Levi knows that on this rare occasion, Mikasa happens to be right. Levi and women do not mix. He groans and stands from his chair to lie down next to his cousin, eyebrows furrowed and glaring at the high ceiling.

"No," He agrees, his lips never moving from the hard frown they portray. "The first woman I ever liked turned out to be Eren, who is very much not a girl. Second one was a twincest gold digger. Next hailed Satan. The next was a fucking nut case who ate RATS! The next one was dirty, and then another gold digger! Gold digger. Gold digger. Weirdo. Filthy. Filthy! Bitch, power-hungry. Power-hungry gold digger! The list goes on and on.... I'm just so... sick of dating the wrong people!"

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