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I heard a bunch of cheers and claps. I stared at Cedric and burst into tears. This is a nightmare. My best friend since forever is dead. My real father is Voldemort, he killed my real mom, his wife

"He's back! Voldemort's back! Cedric, he told me to bring body back. I couldn't leave him, not there"

Someone hugged me "Shhh.. Ember, what happened?" 

I look up and saw Draco. Moody comes over "Ms. Riddle, come with me"

My eyes widen "Get away from me!" i hid behind Draco "Leave me alone" Draco gives me a weird look. Moody grunts and walks off. Tears stream down my face

Draco turns to me "What's wrong Ems?"

Dumbledore walks over to us "Mr. Malfoy, please take Ember to the hospital wing"

Draco nods "Yes, sir" Draco scoops me up and takes me to the Hospital wing. When we got there Draco sits me down on a bed "What's wrong Ember?"

I sniff "C-cedric's dead. My f-father is...."

"Who's your father?" he asks softly


He tensed up "You sure?"

I nod "He told me. He said i'm his daughter. He said he killed my mom. He said he put me in that orphanage"

He hugs me "I'm sorry"

Harry, Dumbledore, and Mcgonagal walks in "Are you okay, Ember?" Dumbledore asks

I shook my head "No! My best friend just died right in front of me. I found out my mother is dead. I found out my father is Tom fuckin Riddle! No i am NOT okay!"

"Calm down Love" Draco whispers

"No i will not calm down! My father is THE Voldemort!" everyone but Dumbledore and Harry flinches "The guy who killed people, innocent people. The guy who killed my best friend. The guy who killed Harry's parents! How can i calm down?!" i took a deep breath "Dumbledor, is he really my father?"

He sighs "I'm afraid so"

I heard the doors open and Harmony, Fred, George, Ron, Ginny, Mione, May, and Blaise walks in. I shake my head "No. No, he is NOT my father. I will NOT be his daughter. I am November Elizabella Bolton. That's the name i grew up with, that's the name i WILL go by" 

"Who's your father?" Blaise asks

I shook my head "Voldemort" they all flinch but Momo "He's my real father. But i will NOT be his daughter. I want him dead, not my father" 

Momo looks at me with her head tilted "Who's my gwandpa and gwandma?"

I sigh "My mom's dead. And my father, he's a really bad guy"

"Wike daddy?" she asks

I nod "Like daddy, but he's a 100x worst"

She climbs onto my lap "Mummy?" i look at her "Can we have a happy famwily?"

I bit my lip "Course. You have me. And you have everyone here in this room"

Momo looks at Draco "Can you me my new daddy?"

Mione, Ginny, and May awed. Draco chuckles "Maybe some day" Draco wiggles his eyebrows at me

I laugh and shake my head "Do you guys hate me?"

"Why would we hate you?" George asks

"Because, my real name is November Elizabella Riddle"

"Ember, we don't care who your family is" Fred says

Ron nods in agreement "You're our best friend, and you are nothing like him" 

"And, we're accepting you for who you are. We're not going to just start shunning you just because your a Riddle" May adds

I smile "I love you guys"


The last few weeks of school flew by. No one really cared i was a Riddle. At first everyone was afraid of me and stunned me. But after Fred, George, May, Draco, and Blaise gave a little speech everything was back to normal. Or as normal as its going to get now a days

We had a little... Funeral for Cedric. I cried my eyes out. I was a total wreck. But i wasn't as bad as Cho. I actually comforted her, i mean i know i hate her and all, but her boyfriend died. No one should be going through that

Today we're going back home. Where am i going? I'm going to the Malfoy manor for a week. Then i'm going to Sirius' I'm a bit nervous though because you know, Draco's dad is a follower of Voldemort. And i'm a bit afraid to meet Draco's parents.... Momo is going with the Weasleys while i'm at the manor, so i don't need to worry about her where abouts

I got into a compartment with Harry, Ron, Mione, May, Fred, George, and Harmony. I sat on the ground with Momo between my legs "Everything's going to change now, isn't it?"

Harry nods "Yeah"

"You guys better take care of Harmony" i eyed Fred and George

"Don't worry, Ember"
"We'll take care of Harmony"
"Nothing to worry about

I sigh "I'm going to miss you guys"

"You're coming home with me and Draco though" May says brightly

"I know but, i'm a bit... Afraid to meet Draco's parents"

"Don't be. Just don't piss off or annoy his dad and you'll be fine" May assures

We all got off the train and i brought Momo to where Mr and Mrs Weasley were waiting "Ember!" Molly pulls me into a bone crushing hug

"Hello Molly" i laugh, i pull away and motioned to Harmony "This is Harmony. Harms this is Molly Weasley"

Molly smiles "Hello deary" she hugs Momo
I turn around and saw Moony "Moony!" i gave him a huge hug
"Ember!" He mocks
I pull away and slap his arm "Momo, this Remus"
Moony looks at Momo up and down "You're like a mini Ember"
Momo smiles "I am!"
"Oi Ember!" May walks over with Draco "Let's go"
I nod "Okay" i gave everyone a hug "Be good" i tell Mo as i hug her "I love you"
"I love you too mummy" she whispers sadly
Remus gives me a look "Do you think its a good idea? Of going to the Malfoy manor?"
I sigh "I'll be fine. Don't worry about me okay?"
Remus rolls his eyes "Be good"
"Bye guys. Love ya'll!" i walk away with Draco and May "Do you think your parents will like me?" i ask Draco
"My mom will for sure. My dad? Probably" he says
May rolls her eyes "He'll like you, he has to. You being Volds' daughter and all"
I glare at her "I am NOT his daughter"
"I'm just saying, sheesh girl" May says
"Draco, May" a middle aged woman walks over with.. Lucius Malfoy, so she must me Narcissa. She hugs Draco and kisses his cheek
I bit my lip trying not to laugh at Draco's face "Ugh mom" Draco whines
Mrs. Malfoy looks at me "You must be November, i've heard a lot about you from Draco"
"Mom!" Draco's face was bright red
I smile "Pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Malfoy" i look at Draco's dad "Mr. Malfoy"
He nods at me "Hello, November"
"So... Let's go" May says dully
"Well aren't you a big bowl of sunshine" i mutter
May glares at me "Let's go" she says all brightly "Happy?"
I smile sweetly "Very"

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