Look at me

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"Working hard is important. But there's something that matters even more. Believing in yourself." Harry walked around, giving a small speech and helping people with there positioning.
As was I."Think of it this way," i said. "Every great wizard in history started out nothing more than what we are now, students. If they could do it. Why not us?"
We gathered around a death eater dummy and took turns shooting spells at it. "Stupefy"
When it was Ginny's turn "Reducto!" The dummy burst and turns into ash. We all exchanged looks, while Harry was smiling like mad. Bloody hell, Ginny. Remind me not to get on your bad side. We paired up again, this time. I was with May. This should be interesting. "Ready, May?" Harry asked.
"Oh yeah," May smirked at me.
"Ember?" Harry questioned.
"Ready," i smirked back at May.
"Go!" Harry exclaimed.
"Expelliarmus!" May exclaimed.
My wand shot out of my hand, I ran towards it, jump and caught it. "Stupefy!" I shot at May.
May flew back, hitting the wall. She pointed her wand at me, "Stupefy!"
I flew back, I tumbled but got back on my feet. "Flipendo." Right when, May got back up. She was flipped back.
"Ember!" Harry scolded, But we ignored him.
"Locomotor Mortis!" May exclaimed.
"Protego!" I shot, the spell reflects and May fell to the ground.
"Ugh!" May groaned. "Stupefy!" I flew back hitting the walls, "Impervius!" Wow, May.. Really!?!? Water shot out of her wand soaking me.
"Rictusempra!!" I smiled.
May threw her head back and burst into laughter. "Ember!!" She rolled on the ground laughing. "S-stop it!!!"
"Give up?" I asked.
"Okay," i shrugged and laughed at her.
I flew back hitting the wall, again. "God damn it, May!" I groaned.
"Okay, you guys are done." Harry said. He took the charms off of May and helped her up. "You okay?"
May nodded, "peachy."
I smirked at her, "i love you, May."
May grabbed me and put me in a head lock. "Aw, i love you too. Ems!"
I started to tickle her, she immediately pulled away and glares. "Love you!" I ran over to George and hug him.
"Ember! You're getting me wet!" George groaned.
"Whoa, calm down mate." Fred laughed. "She's with Malfoy remember?" George and I shot Fred dangerous looks which made him shut up.

It was getting close to our Christmas break. Today was our last day of meeting before break. We're just going over what we learned. I was helping Neville with disarming. I knew he can do it. He just needed practice. "Okay, Neville," i took his arm. "Swish and flick," i guide his arm, hand, and wrist. Showing him how the movements were suppose to be like.
"Expelliarmus!" Neville flicked his wand. He he... X)Pevril's wand shot out of her hand. Everyone stopped what they were doing and cheered for Neville.
I hugged Neville. "Told you you could do it!! Well done, Neville." He smiled at me.
"So, that's it for this lesson" Harry said, "We aren't going to be meeting again until after break."
"So just practice what you've already learned and well done." i smiled at everyone.
"You guys did great." Harry said with a smile. Everyone clapped and started to clear out. Harry was busy staring at Cho. Oh yay.
"We'll see you in the common room Harry," Ron said as him and Mione walked out. I saw Fred and George try to talk to Harry, but he was too busy focusing on Cho and blew them off.
Fred and George walked over to us. "All he does is stare at her. It's quite sickening." I said.
"Like how you stare at, Draco?" May asked.
"That's different," i shot.
"How?" May questioned.
I crossed my arms, "It just is, okay?"
"Totally blew us off," Fred huffed.
"Come on lets go back to the Common room." May said.
We walked out of the Room of requirements and half way to the Common room.
I saw Draco walking alone. "I'll catch up with you guys later. Okay?"
George gave me a look, "where you going?"
"To Draco. Bye!" I walked away from them and ran over to Draco. I jump onto his back, scaring the crap out of him. "Hello, Draco."
He groaned, "don't do that!"
I jumped off his back and stood in front of him, "why not?" I pouted.
"Because every time you do that, I almost crap myself." Draco rolled his eyes.
I laughed, "What if I want you to crap yourself?"
"Then, you are a horrible girl friend," he shot.
I crossed my arms, "so i'm a horrible girl friend now?"
Draco wrapped his arms around me and put his forehead to mine. "No, only if i crap myself because of you. Other than that.you are the most amazing, beautiful, sexy girl friend ever."
I laughed and pecked his lips, "you're so stupid."
He chuckled and pinned me against a wall, "want to go to my dorm?"
"As much as I want to... I have to get back to mine."
Draco pouted and bury his face in the crook of my neck. "But I need my baby girl."
"She's with the Weasley's," i said.
"Well, Harmony too. But I need my Lizzarrddd."
I laughed, "It's in your pants. Unless there's something you want to tell me."
Draco pulled away and gave me a look, "you're so irritating sometimes."
I smiled, "So are you, love."
He pressed his lips against mine and I immediately kiss back, wrapping my arms around his neck. Draco's hands moves down to my hips, pulling me closer. "Please?" He mumbled.
"Next time, I promise." I pulled away, "I just need to talk to Harry and them. Tomorrow?"
He sighed, "Okay. But I'll probably won't get enough sleep tonight."
I rolled my eyes, "You'll be fine."
"Okay, but i have something for you. Close your eyes." I sighed and closed my eyes. "I love you."
I smiled, "I love you too." I felt lips brush against mine. I didn't have to look to know who it is. I kissed back. Draco gently bit my bottom lip asking for entrance, so I let him in. His tongue traced every inch of my mouth. My hand tangled in his soft hair. "Is this my surprise?"
"Maybe," I can just hear the smirk on his face. I laughed under the kiss and pulled away. "I wasn't done." He pouted.
I rolled my eyes, "I gotta go."
"I'll walk you," Draco scooped me up and carried me bridal style.
I laughed, "Draco."
"Ember." Draco kisses my forehead. I bury my face against his neck and kiss it. "Keep doing that and you won't make it back to your common room."
I laugh and put my hand over his mouth. "Shut up." I felt his tongue lick my hand. "You know, Fred licked that hand."
Draco pulled my hand off, "That's disgusting! Why would you do that!"
I laughed and kissed his cheek, "I was kidding."
"Brat." He glared at me.
I smiled, "Git."
"Irritating little brat."
"Cocky big head git."
"Am not!"
"Are too." I sang.
"You're lucky I love you or I would have hexed you."
I smiled, "Aw Dwacie I wuv you."

"November, my daughter." Voldemort appeared and stood in front of me.
I glared at him, "I am not your daughter."
"No matter how many times you deny it, it will not change the fact that I am your birth father." Voldemort circled around me. "I am reminding you that you will be joining me on your 16th birthday."
"I am reminding you that I will never join you." I crossed my arms over my chest.
"I have told you before, I will torture the ones you love. One by one."
"Don't you dare touch any of my friends." I growled.
"But, my dear daughter, i already have." Voldemort said. Everything disappeared and a new scene appeared. I was in a room full of shelves that had hundred of globes sitting on them. I look around and saw Mr Weasley and.... Nagini? "We think Voldemort is after something. Something he didn't have before." I heard Sirius say in a faint voice. Sirius? I see Mr. Weasley, walking around with his wand out. Then I saw Nagini attack him... He laid on the ground hopelessly.
"NO!!" I ran towards them, but there was some kind of glass wall in between me and Mr. Weasley. "STOP IT!!! YOU'RE KILLING HIM!!!" I pounded on the glass as hard as I could. My fist started to throb, but I didn't care. "PLEASE!!! STOP IT!!!" I begged, tears streaming down my face. "PLEASE!"

I screamed and shot up panting. Tears continue to stream down my face. May and Mione ran over. "what happened? What's wrong?!"
I was too shaken up to say anything, the door opened and I saw McGonagall. "Miss Granger, Miss Malfoy, take Miss Bolton and follow me."
May pulled me out of bed and wrapped a robe around me, because well.. All I was wearing are spandex and a sports bra. It was hot okay? We followed McGonagall, I saw Harry and Ron. Harry looked freaked out, he was sweating and panting like crazy. Kinda like how I was. We hurried to Dumbledore's office. We got to Dumble's office and we explained the dream. Apparently, Harry saw the same thing Voldemort showed me. Mr. Weasley getting attacked.
"Minerva, Go get the Weasley's and tell them their father has been attacked and they must come here." Dumbledore ordered.bShe nodded and hurried out of the office. She came back with Fred, George, Ron, and Ginny. They all gather around a chair that Ginny is sitting in. "In the dream, were you looking above or directly at the victim?"
"I don't really know, Professor ca-"
Dumbledore cut Harry off and looks at a portrait. "Phineas go in form the Minestry that Aurthur Weasley has been attack"
Dumbledore just ignores him and continued to talk. "Inform Sirius that the Weasley's children, Ms. Granger, Potter, and Bolton are going to Number 12 Grimmauld place my portkey."
"Wait, what about me?" May asks.
"You must stay here, with your cousin. You will be able to go to Number 12 during the holidays." Dumbledore says.
I felt a wave of anger wash over me. "LOOK AT ME!!" Harry yelled, that caused everyone to jump.
"What's happening to me?"

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