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I sat in the kitchen frowning as I waited for everyone to wake up. I made pancakes for everyone. But why was I upset? Apparently the guy I loved broke up with me because my best friend kissed me. What the actual fuck. Why would Harry do that? I was going to have to have a serious talk with that kid. Sirius and Remus walked in and gave me a worried look. "What's wrong?" Sirius asked.
I shrugged, "nothing really. I had a dream last night about Draco Malfoy."
"Wet dream?" Sirius snickered causing Remus to hit his arm. "What? I was joking!" Remus rolled his eyes and ate some pancakes. Sirius did the same. "What about Draco?"
"That we made a bet. I lost. I went on a date with him. I broke up with a guy named Ty Zabini, I'm guessing he's Blaise's brother or cousin. Anyway, I broke up with Ty because I caught him cheating on me. Then, Draco asked me to be his girlfriend on Christmas. Then, it changed to Harry and I talking on a bridge. He kissed me, Draco saw and broke up with me. I'm so confused. I've always thought Harry fancied Ginny. Did all that really happen? Or was it all just a dream? I mean it was all in my head right?"
"Then why shouldn't it be real?" I heard a voice. I turned and saw Dumbledore. "Good morning, Ember. I see that you've been regaining more memories."
I nodded, "So, all of that did happen?"
"I'm afraid so. I've always liked seeing you with Mr. Malfoy." Dumbledore said. It made Remus and Sirius pull weird looks. "Do you remember what had happened during the summer?"
I nodded slowly, "I think so, but it can't be true."
"What is it?" Remus asked.
"Well, Harry was attacked by dementors that was sent to him by the ministry. He was almost expelled. Also...." I trailed off. "You guys asked me to become a death eater. But that can't be true. I mean, we're fighting against them, not joining them. Besides, Snape is already our spy, isn't he?"
"We did ask you to become a death eater." Dumbledore said calmly.
My eyes widen, "why? I mean, I don't want to become a part of anything he does. I'm already his daughter. I don't want to become his follower. I want him dead. I am not going to be a death eater."
"But you must." Dumbledore said. "You will have an advantage."
"Okay, but that means I'd have to lie to my friends. I don't want to do that. Especially not to Harry. That wouldn't be fair. He's my best friend, even though he is an ass. He's the one the dark lord wants dead. He's the one who has to kill him. I can't just go behind his back, behind everyone's back and become a death eater. That goes against everything you guys told me."
"You have to understand, Ember" Remus said. "I hate this idea just as much as you do. But the thing is, you can easily get information from him and tell the order everything. It will help us prepare for what he has planned."
I frowned. "But the thing is, he knows that I'm loyal to Harry, to Dumbledore, and to the Order."
"Show him that you're loyal to him," Dumbledore said.
I rolled my eyes. Then, I heard a scream. "Harmony?" I ran upstairs to my room, Harmony was tossing and turning. She started panting, she was crying. I ran over to her, "Harmony. Harmony wake up. Harms." I shake her softly, trying to wake her up, but trying not to hurt her. "Harms." I said. Her eyes opened, she started to sob. I pulled her into my arms and hugged her. "Sh.. It's okay, baby. I got you." Harmony buried her head against my chest. "It's okay. It was just a dream. I'm here." I kissed her head, she stopped shaking. I cradled her in my arms.
"What is it, Harmony?" Dumbledore asked quietly.
Harmony sniffed and wiped her eyes. "I saw him kill Harry. He killed Remus, Sirius, Mummy, Daddy, and Freddie."
I gave her the weirdest look, "'daddy'?"
"Draco." Remus told me. "Remember," he gave me a look, "Harmony calls him daddy."
I nodded slowly, "okay. Harms, you don't have to worry about anything. We're all fine. We aren't going anywhere." Why was she calling Draco daddy?Harmony nodded, I kissed her head. "Go clean up and change. Then, come down for breakfast okay?" Harmony nodded, "want me to help you?"
She shook her head, "I'm not a baby, mummy."
"You may think that. But to me you'll always will be my baby." I gave her a goofy grin. She giggled and hopped off my lap. She went to her small wardrobe and looked through her clothes. Remus, Sirius, Dumbledore and I went back to the kitchen. "Daddy?"
"Thought you'd already knew." Sirius said. "She calls him that all the time."
"But she can't call him that anymore because well you know." I trailed off.
"I suggest you let her." Dumbledore smiled, "Harmony looks up to him. She also looks up to you Ember, as well as Remus, Sirius, George, Harry, and Hermione."
I snorted, "well that's comforting. My daughter looks up to trouble makers. At least Hermione is smart and knows what's right from wrong."
"Oi, what about me?" Remus questioned.
I shrugged, "says the Marauder."

"Ember! Harmony!" I heard Sirius call out. "Come down here!"
Harmony whined, "but I want to color."
I laughed, "come on, you." I grabbed her hand and helped her up. "Race you downstairs." She smiled and took off running. "Oi! Cheater!" I ran after her, half way down the stairs, I jumped over the railing. I landed and went into the living room.
Harmony ran in and glared at me, "cheater!"
I stuck my tongue out, "you cheated first. Only fair."
I looked over and saw Remus and Sirius. "What?"
Fred and George appeared, "hey, Ember."
"Fred, George." I breathed out. I ran over to them and hugged the both of them. They both laughed and hugged me.
"You know who we are then?" Fred asked.
"Of course she does, who can forget two handsome gingers?" George made a cheeky smile.
"Freddie!" Harmony cried out and hugged Fred.
Fred knelt down and hugged Harmony. "Whoa there, Harmony. Someone missed me."
George pouted, "I thought I was your favorite, Harms."
"Georgie!" Harmony pulled away from Fred and hugged George's legs.
George laughed and picked her up. "Hey, Harmony."
"I missed you guys!" Harmony smiled brightly.
"What are you doing here by the way." I asked, "You're supposed to be at Hogwarts."
"You're supposed to be in Azkaban." Fred pointed out.
"I'm what?" I questioned, "why would I be in Azkaban?"
"How are you?" George asked, changing the subject.
"I'm fine." I replied still confused.
"How much do you remember?" Fred asked.
"Up to when Draco and I broke up. Although, some moments before that is still a bit blurry. After that, I have no idea what happened."
Fred nodded in understanding. "Oh okay. Anyway, we're here because we wanted to see you. Also, we dropped out of Hogwarts."
My eyes widen, "your mum is going to kill you."
"Maybe," George smirked. "but, we're going to get WWW up and running. Couldn't stand Umbridge."
I smiled, "wicked. I am still part of WWW right? I mean, I get to help right?"
"Of course." Fred ruffled my hair, "you did help us with the forms and selling products. And creating products."
"Yay!" I beamed. "I found something in my room, I remembered working on it over the summer. I'll be back."
"Wait," Fred grabbed my arm, I suddenly felt like I was being sucked into a tube. It went away and I stumbled. Fred caught me, "careful."
I groaned, "Don't do that!" I hit his arm, "at least tell me when you're going to apperate!" Fred just laughed. I grabbed a box and Fred apperated us back to the living room.
Remus groaned, "is it that hard for you to walk down the stairs?"
Fred nodded, "yes."
I opened the box and pulled out a small jar full of round candy. "This makes you constipated."
George grinned and took it from me, "I remember this. You said you'll make it better and create an antidote." I handed him a jar full of white balls of candy. "Wicked."
"Why." Remus sighed.
Sirius grinned, "can I have one?"
"Sirius, please don't." Remus groaned.
"Come on, Remus!" Sirius said. "They're brilliant. If only we had these back in the day. The people we would use it on."
"U-no-poo." Fred said, "the constipation sensation that's gripping the nation!" I laughed and gave him a high five.
I pulled out a hand from the box. "Remus touch my hand."
"No." Remus replied.
I pouted, "Remus."
He sighed and touched the hand. The hand shocked him and he immediately pulled away. "Blimey, Ember!"
I laughed, "Electric Shock Shake." I handed Harmony three eggs. "Unbreakable Eggs."
Harmony examined the eggs and threw them at Sirius. The eggs bounced off Sirius and fell onto the ground. "They didn't break." Harmony frowned.
Sirius stuck his tongue out at Harmony. "Ha!"
"What's this?" Fred held up a hat.
I smiled, "my favorite. Headless hats, turns your head invisible." I took it from Fred and put it on.
Harmony gasped, "your head is gone!"
"Bloody hell." Sirius snatched the hat from me and put it on. "I guess I have to sneeze out of my ass now."
"Sirius, stop messing around." Remus took the hat off of Sirius.
"Sorry." Sirius sighed, "Lost my head there for a second." Everyone, but Remus and Harmony burst into a fit of laughter. Remus just shook his head and face palm. Sirius sent Remus a cheeky smile, "Okay, I'm sorry. I should stop before I get a-head of myself."
"You're an idiot, Sirius." Remus groaned.
"You love me." Sirius grinned, "you're head over heels for me."
"Oh my god, Sirius." Remus sighed in disappointment as Fred, George and I were laughing our butts off. Harmony just sat there, completely confused.

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