I'm sorry

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DATE WITH DRACO!!! I go to the bathroom and took a warm shower, taking my time washing my hair, body, and shaving my legs and under arms. Got out of the shower and put this on cute? I hope so

I walk out to see Ginny "Why are you dressed up?" i walk over to my bed and put my shoes on "You're going on a date!" 

I nod "Yes" it is... 5:45 "Now i gots to go" i go downstairs and saw everyone, Fred, George, Mione, May, Harry, and Ron sitting there "Hi"

"Ember's going on a date with Draco!" Ginny squeals

I roll my eyes "Stop squealing"

"Where?" May asks

I shrug "He told me Blaise will be waiting for me outside the portrait. So bah bye" i walk out, i can hear them behind me

"Finally" Blaise says

"It's not even 6 yet Blaise" i say

"Here" he hands me a piece of paper

I read it out loud "'Hello Love, Follow the arrows hanging on the walls Love Draco'" i shake my head "Cheesey. Well bye"   

I walk forward and saw pieces of parchments hanging on the wall with a green arrow. This should be fun. He better not make me walk through the whole castle. I walk up to the first arrow and take it off the wall. I continue up the hall taking down the arrows

There was a flower and a card floating next to the next arrow. I take it and open the card. there was a picture of my mouth? I was smiling in the picture

'10 things i Love about you

1. When ever i see your smile, i can not help but smile too. Your smile can Always brighten up a room. Just seeing your smile makes my day, it makes me melt. It can make all my sadness disappear with your beautiful smile'

AWW!!!! That's so sweet! I continue walking until i came across the next card. It had a picture or my eyes..

'2. Your eyes shine brighter than the stars in the night sky. Your eyes are so expressive and beautiful I can’t help but get lost in them. I can easily spot your gorgeous eyes out of a crowd'

I continue

A picture of me laughing, oh my, i look horrid!

'3. Your laugh brings music to my ears. You hate it, but i think it's so sexy'

Ha, he went all Bruno Mars on me

Me talking, how does he get all these pictures?!

'4. I love talking to you. Just listening to your voice at the end of the day makes life worth living, despite all the struggles'

The next was his name 'Draco Malfoy' written over and over

'5. The way you say my name makes My heart skips a beat when ever you say my name'

The next one is a picture of us hugging

'6. Your touch makes me feel weak in the knees. I love the way you feel in my arms. I love the way you fit perfectly in my arms, the way your hand fits perfectly in mine. I get butterflies in my stomach every time you touch me'

The 7th is a picture of me smiling and him resting his head on my shoulder

'7. You are the most beautiful living thing i have ever laid eyes on. If someone would ask me what a beautiful life means, I would lean my head on your shoulder, hold you close to me and answer with a smile, 'Like this'


The 8th is 11 roses and a mirror?

'8. If you held up 11 roses into a mirror, you'd be looking at 12 of the most beautiful things in the world'

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