Malfoy Manor

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Mr. And Mrs. Malfoy apperated us to the Malfoy Manor. I stared at it in Awe. "Like it?" Draco chuckled and nudged me.

I nodded. "Yeah..."

"I got an idea!" Draco said with a small smirk.

"What are you ta-" Draco grabbed me and threw me over his shoulder. "Seriously Draco?!"

"Hey, you said that you've always wanted to be carried into a huge mansion." He laughed.

"Not like this!" I groaned, I felt him pat my butt. "Draco!!"

"I didn't do it!"

May laughed at us. "Well aren't you two an adorable, annoying, couple."

"Shut it May!" I yelled at her.

"OH MY GOD!! Ember!! Sam's coming over too!!" May squealled. 

"And you didn't tell me!?!?" I screatched.

Draco put me down and glared. "That was my ear."

I smiled sweetly. "I wuv woo."

"Ahem." Mrs. Malfoy cleared her throat. "Draco, show November to her room."

Draco nodded and grabbed my trunk. "This way my love."

I rolled my eyes. "My love? Seriously?"

He shrugged. "You have to ruin the moment?"

"Yeah," I followed him up stairs and through long halls.

He walked into a room and set the trunk next to the bed. "Ta da. My room is next door."

I looked around the room, it was huge. Queen size bed, a huge wardrobe. "Wow."

He sat down on the bed. "I know right."

"Huge room." I said and opened my trunk.

Draco picked up Momo's box of crayons. "What's this?"

"Crayons." I grabbed two peices of paper and dump out the crayons. "It's used to color, Muggles use them instead of a quill and ink."

"Cool..." We started to color and draw.

I drew a bunch of roses and went to grab a red crayon, but Draco snatched it out of my hand. "Hey! I got that first!"

"But i need it!" He started coloring in a lop sided circle.

"But I got it first!" I snatched it out of his hand.

"Ember!" He took it out of my hand.

"Draco!" We started to wrestle over the crayon. "Give it to me!"


"Its mine!"

"I got it first!" We fell to the ground with a thud but continued to fight for the crayon. Shut up, it's not childish! I got that crayon first!

"What's going on here?!"

Draco and I looked up and saw May and Mrs. Malfoy staring at us wide eyed. I noticed that Draco was on top of me. Draco quickly got off. "Its Not what it looks like!"

I nodded. "We were fighting over a crayon" I held up the red crayon. "Nothing happened!"

May smirked. "If something did happen, i want to be the godmother."

I glared at her. "Nothing happened!"

Mrs. Malfoy eyed the both of us and walked away. "No more noises you two." May winked and walked away.

Draco looked at me. "Did that really just happen?"

I nodded slowly. "I guess so."

He stood up. "Want a tour of the manor?"

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