Room of Requirements

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"You're such an idiot," I laughed at Draco. Who accidentally lock himself with this muggle Chinese handcuffs. I think that's what it's called. You know where you have this tube like thing and you put one finger in one side, and another on the other side. And you get stuck? Yeah that. We were messing around with them, and Draco locked himself.
"How do you take this thing off?" Draco tried to pull his fingers apart, but it didn't work. "emmmbbeeerrrr."
I laughed and shook my head, "this is entertaining."
Draco shot me a glare, "Ember."
"Pleaseeee," he stuck his bottom lip out and pouted.
I pecked his lips, "No."
He groaned and yanked at the cuff, "This is why I don't play with muggle devices."
"They're fun though."
"Yeah, because you're not the one who's stuck." Draco frowned.
I laughed and helped him take the cuff off, "Now. Was that so hard?"
"How the ruddy did you do that?" Draco stared at me.
"I'm just amazing like that," I winked.
"Just like how you're amazing at cuddling," Draco smirked, "And snogging." he leaned in closing his eyes. And I do the same.
"EMMMMBBERRR!!!" I heard a yell.
I groaned and hit my head on Draco's chest, "Why? Who is calling me?"
"Me, now come on Ember. We need to talk to you."
I looked up and saw Fred and George, "can't we talk later on?"
George gave me a look, "It's REALLY important. It's about out D.A. prank."
"D.A. prank?" Draco raised an eyebrow at me.
"What the fu- Ohhh okay." I pecked Draco's lips, "We'll hang out later?"
Draco nodded, "alright. And you better not prank me."
I smiled, "I won't.... Yet" I winked and kissed him. I ran off with Fred and George. "Couldn't you guys wait a little longer?" I whined.
"No, because we don't want any more babies." Fred teased.
I glared at him, "We weren't going to do anything!"
"How do we know?" George asked, "For all we know, you guys could have done it then and there."
"I'm 15!!" I exclaimed.
"You never knooowww." Fred sang.
We entered the Gryffindor common room and sat down by Ginny, Seamus, Dean, Harry, Ron, Mione, and May. "What is it? what's soo important?" I asked.
"Someone's in the mood." May said.
"She's just upset that she didn't get to snog her precious Draco." George scoffed.
I rolled my eyes, "So What's up?"
"We need to figure out where to have our meetings." Harry answered.
"I got it!" May exclaimed, "The Room of Requirements."
"The what?" Harry asked.
"The room of requirements." I said, brilliant! "One problem though. I forgot where it is."
"So did I..." May sighed.
"What the rudy is the room-" Ron was cut off by Neville running into the room.
"I think I found something." He gasped. We all followed him out of the common room and into an empty corridor. "There" Neville pointed to an empty wall.
"there's nothing ther-"
I cut Harry off, "Shut up" I began pacing in front of the wall.
We need somewhere to learn to fight. Just give us a place to practice, somewhere they can't find us...
"what the hell is she doing?" Dean asked.
I looked up and see the doors revealing its self. I smiled, "Ta da" We all go inside the room and it was perfect. Exactly what we need.
"Neville," Hermione said. "You found it. You found the room of requirements."
"I'm sorry, but what the ruddy is the room of requirements?" Ron asked.
"It's also called the come and Go room." Mione explained, "It will provide everything we need."
"For example," I say. "Say that you drank a loot of pumpkin juice and you really need to go pee. Chamber pots will appear."
Hermione shot me a disappointed look, "Yes, basically as Ember said. If you need anything. The room will have it."
"Wicked" Ron smiled.
"Okay, so now we just need a way to page everyone when we have meetings" Harry said.
"O!!!" Fred exclaimed, "I have an idea for a new group name! "The Ministry of Magic are Morons Group!"
I raised my hand, "I second that!"
Hermione sighed and shook her head, "Please stop messing around. We need to figure out how to notify everyone."
"How about this," George said holding up a galleon, "We can charm it, and when ever we have a meeting, it'll... light up."
Ginny shook her head, "No, Not light up. Something that It's that noticeable."
"How about heat up?" Seamus suggested. "It'll heat up. We'll be the only who would feel it because we're the only ones who will have one."
"Brilliant!" Harry smiled. Hermione can you charm it?"
"I think so." Mione said.
"Great. Now we just need to let everyone know where this place is."

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